Dont you tihnk this one had more heart?
More than the first one? it just did because the mother finally accepted her beautiful daughters talent and it almost brings tears to your eyes.
"Duh. You're the idiot. Not me."
More than the first one? it just did because the mother finally accepted her beautiful daughters talent and it almost brings tears to your eyes.
"Duh. You're the idiot. Not me."
Yes, I definitely think it had a lot more heart in so many different ways. I just started watching this and already my heart goes out to everyone teaching at the school. I am the same age the students in this film and went to many different schools growing up. I graduated in 1994. I went to 5 different high schools and two were pretty much out of control as this one. I actually had two classes where the teacher just sat off in the corner doing nothing while the class listened to music and had a party. I was shocked at the teacher could do that but I see now she was scared of the students. It takes a lot of heart for teachers to stay in a failing school system. Not long after I graduated both of those schools were closed and students were bussed off to different areas until a new school could be built. I lost my yearbooks in moves too but always wished I could remember the teachers' names so I could write to them and apologize. I'd also like to tell them thanks for doing their best because a few teachers did actually take time to teach no matter how out of control the classes got.
Actually, I did meet up with one former teacher at a church we went to. She remembered me as one of the few good kids and confided in me that the school board pretty much saw the school as a failure. She told me many things I think no one was aware of such as the schools passing students who didn't even do work just so they could be handed off to someone else the following year. Test scores were made up too so the school could get more funding and so on. She was glad when the school closed and eventually quit teaching to become a tutor at a school for highschoolers trying to get their GEDs. She said she always had a heart for students labeled as troubled kids and just wanted to help.
Sorry to babble on but this first classroom footage brought back a lot of memories. It's reminding me why I love this movie.
Yes, the second one is a fun, feelgood film. The first one is a good comedy with crime and action elements sprinkled in. Like Deloris being chased, witnessing a murder, etc. She does things to help the convent and the nuns too. But the second one has more heart because it focuses on inner-city youth who have many struggles of their own and she's able to bring out the best in them. As well as saving the school which meant so much to the community. There's of course the mother-daughter relationship of Rita and her mother. It's just much more upbeat and leaves you feeling so good.