Yapping dog

That small barking/yapping dog at the Shepard's ( Tim Robbins ) house drove me up a wall even just watching that one several minute morning/breakfast scene. I could see where it would drive a psychopath over the edge, and when I saw him motor off with the dog in the saddlebag I knew he was "taking it for a ride" to get rid of it.


when I saw him motor off with the dog in the saddlebag I knew he was "taking it for a ride" to get rid of it.

Yeah, we all did.

If you love Jesus Lizard and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


Yep, I actually started fast-forwarded through their scenes. Between the yapping dog, the yapping kids and the yapping, histrionic wife I just didn't have any fucks left to give for their storyline. I was actually hoping after he made the dog disappear that he'd return home and do the same with the kids!
