MovieChat Forums > Schindler's List (1994) Discussion > Why is the World picking on Hitler and N...

Why is the World picking on Hitler and Nazis?

There's no denying that Hitler and the Nazis were evil. But why do most people consider them the worst? Why do most people consider Hitler to be the most evil person?

What I think:

Joseph Stalin was way more evil. Read up on him He rose to power by killing all opposition, even his own people. He regularly drove around town and raped any girl he wanted. He even murdered his own son.

The Nazis look like saints when compared to their ally the Empire of Japan. See my thread here:

So why is everybody talking about Hitler and the Nazis instead of even more evil people and regimes?

Most Jews were killed in extermination camps using hydrogen-cyanide. A lethal gas that kills quickly and painlessly. Round up civilians were kill by the SS in firing squads by a bullet between the eyes, also a quick and painless death. The Japanese Empire on the other hand specifically avoided killing people on sight, so they could capture and torture them to death.

Is it because Hitler has the highest kill score?
Is it to cause empathy for Israel?
Why are there practically no films about the atrocities committed by the Japanese Empire?


I like cupcakes.


Let's have a tea party! :3




Okay, so I admit: I am an idiot, by definition a "person lacking professional skill". So I might be poorly informed, but nevertheless the atrocities of the Japanese Empire far outweighed those committed by the 3rd Reich. Big time.

Please tell me Mistyl: Why aren't there any movies about the crimes committed by the Japanese Empire?

Don't say "The Bridge on the River Kwai". Compared to Schindler's List it's childsplay.

Thanks for warning me that your post may be rude, crude and abrasive. Because it certainly was.


Please tell me Mistyl: Why aren't there any movies about the crimes committed by the Japanese Empire?

Why the fück are you asking regular people here on a public board this question?

I don't compare who was worse or even compare human acts of atrocites against each other. Each deserve to be respected individually for what they were and are. The only people who do come here to compare are fücktards with an agenda.

Thanks for warning me that your post may be rude, crude and abrasive. Because it certainly was.

Good. 

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Try looking up if there are any movies before you complain that there aren't any movies.

PSA: City of life and death is a good movie.

Whoever saves one life saves the world entire



An idiot is someone with an IQ between 0 and 25. You qualify nicely.


There is so much stupidity here. If you weren't a Nazi-apologist troll I'd deconstruct it.


Unlike the other posters, I'm not going to call you an idiot. Hitler was just a horrid person along with the nazi regime. I do believe though that he suffered from severe mental illness (he had to of to do and say the things he said and did). I do agree that there are just as evil, if not more who walk/walked on this earth. Such as Sadam Hussain, Osama bin Laden and now ISIS. I think Hitler is so focused on because the Holocaust was a lot of brutal death in a short amount of time. I for one am astounded that so many people followed him so blindly. To me, ISIS is our modern day Nazi regime and hopefully, like the nazi from the past, they'll be stopped.


Such as Sadam Hussain, Osama bin Laden and now ISIS.

It depends on how you define it. Hitler was unique because he was both evil and had the command of a modern nation-state, as well as the renowned organizational capabilities of the Germans.


Just remember:

Good always triumphs over evil.

Always has, always will.

"Yup....lotta history down that road."


Defeading Hitler makes you into an idiot. $50 says this poster will vote for Trump

Lawrence of Arbia, he was an English guy who came to fight the Turkish


Ok, so by your logic rounding people up and murdering them on the spot or in gas chambers by the millions for no other reason than their religion is humane?. Hitler was one of the greatest monsters the world has ever seen, him being taken down was one of the greatest things humanity has ever done. While I agree that Stalin and the Japanese military were also on the top of the monsters to be slain list that in no way diminishes Hitlers crimes.I guess the lessons of history have been lost on some.


I'll end this thread by saying:
Go watch City of War: The Story of John Rabe then come back and tell me whether you'd rather be captured by Nazis or Imperial Japanese troops.


Fair enough. I suggest you go read KL, A History Of The Nazi Concentration Camps by Nikolaus Wachsmann. I think you will find that your Nazis were anything but Humane.


Read this thread:


Nanking was a single event that happened over a very short time and was a spur of the moment thing by the Japaneese as they advanced into China. Hitler spend years planning the extermination of an entire section of Humanity, it was calculated and precise. The Japaneese behaved like monsters and Nanking ( and they were ) but I find their animal cruelty and war lust far less frightening than the cold efficiency of the Nazis who had they won the war would have wiped out anyone on the planet who wasn't "pure" in their eyes.



Yet they tried to prevent unnecessary suffering.

They sure as hell didn't.

P.O.W. were treated according to the Geneva conventions.

Are you sure about that?

It would have cheaper to mass murder "undesirables" by simply flooding a room with water to drown them, then reusing the same water again and again

Really? Explain your expertise in the draining system of such a method please.

Or simply use a firing squad.

 FFS, what does your research say about this very much tried method?

Instead they spend millions of Reichsmark and years to develop and mass produce Zyklon B

They did?

 I just need to stop here as it is blatantly obvious you're talking out your ass.

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Yet they tried to prevent unnecessary suffering

Sorry mate but your defence of the Nazis is pretty sad. As I stated take a look at that book I told you about. It's an in depth account if the Nazi concentration camps from the earliest camps to the later death camps. Read that and you will find out just how the Nazis dealt out endless suffering on those unfortunate enough to fall into their clutches. As to your question who would I rather be captured by, neither, they were both monsters that totally deserved their destruction. If I had a gun I would shoot as many of them as I could then save the last bullet for myself.


There were 2 options to that question: Nazis or Japs. You can't dodge the question by saying neither.

Correct me if I'm wrong. I take it you are an American citizen. I take it you are a civilian. Taken this into account: Nazis or Japs?


Okay sorry I need to ask you this... are you retarded?


Hitler didn't target Jews because of the religion of Judaism. It was a perceived Jewish race that Hitler saw as bad that he targeted. He saw the ''Aryan race'' as superior to the ''Jewish race''. Jew refers to both an ethnicity and a religion. You may be a Jew by ethnicity but not religion or a Jew by religion but not ethnicity.


Hitler didn't target the religion of Judaism. He targeted a perceived ''Jewish race.'' He saw people of the ''Jewish race'' as bad and people of the ''Aryan race'' as superior. Jew refers to both religion and ethnicity. You can be a Jew by ethnicity but not by religion and a Jew by religion but not by ethnicity.


You know that the OP is right when all the jews pile in and try to defend Israel and the jews.

I have seen it my self.

Go on to any message board of any western Media outlet and as soon as you mention the fact the jews are running the world, they all pile in and call you an anti-semite, racist, blah blah 6 million this and that.

It was all the bull crap I was fed all through the school system.

No one ever questioned "why" the National Socialist party had this view of the jews.

I now know why.

They really are a loathsome and meddling people.


There's no denying that Hitler and the Nazis were evil. But why do most people consider them the worst? Why do most people consider Hitler to be the most evil person?

I'm not sure that most people think Hitler is the "most evil." It's not as if there's some kind of "Academy Awards" for evil.

Joseph Stalin was way more evil. Read up on him He rose to power by killing all opposition, even his own people. He regularly drove around town and raped any girl he wanted. He even murdered his own son.

Stalin didn't murder his own son. He had two sons, Yakov and Vasily. Yakov was killed by the Nazis after he was captured. Stalin was against any of his troops surrendering or being captured, so when he was told his son Yakov was captured, he said "I have no son Yakov." The Germans apparently offered to release Yakov in exchange for some German generals, but Stalin refused.

Stalin was also somewhat reclusive, so he didn't drive around town and rape any girl he wanted. That was Beria who did that. Although, since Beria was part of Stalin's regime, it's fair to say his evil could also be attributed to Stalin, since he did nothing to restrain Beria.

But yeah, Stalin was evil. Whether he was "more evil" is open to interpretation. I would say that Stalin's brand of evil was more cold and calculating, while Hitler's evil was more fiery and wildly reckless, bringing utter destruction and humiliating defeat to his nation. Stalin won, Hitler lost. The lesson here is that if you're going to be evil, then make sure you win.

The Nazis look like saints when compared to their ally the Empire of Japan.

Yes, the Japanese were evil too, but again, it's not something one can really compare or say that they made the Nazis look like saints.

So why is everybody talking about Hitler and the Nazis instead of even more evil people and regimes?

Possibly because our country is Western and more Euro-centric in its perspective. From a Western European point of view, Hitler was the more dangerous and immediate threat. For right or wrong, Stalin was our ally. The geopolitics leading up to WW2 were a bit complicated - it would take too long to explain. But in a nutshell, Germany was seen as the major threat to the world balance of power. Russia was seen as isolated and weak, due to their debacle against the Japanese in 1905 and their poor showing in WW1 against Germany. Japan was far too distant to be any kind of serious threat to America or Europe, and as long as they left European possessions in Asia alone, nobody really cared what they did in China. We sided with the Japanese during the Boxer Rebellion and Teddy Roosevelt even quietly rooted for them against the Russians in 1905, as did the British, since they were more worried about Russian expansion into Asia than they were about Japanese expansion.

It wasn't until after WW2 that the geopolitical situation and our perspective on it had to change. We needed to rebuild Germany and Japan and reshape them as Western allies against the Soviets, who were now much more powerful and dangerous than they ever were before. We allowed Japan to keep their Emperor because we needed their goodwill and cooperation against the Soviets. Hitler and the Nazis were singled out and considered separate from the so-called "good Germans" who were essentially let off the hook, because we also needed a strong West Germany (and Italy) against a perceived Soviet threat.

We Westerners have been pretty evil ourselves, so do you think that any of our leaders seriously cared about who was "more evil"? It's all politics. I've heard it said that Hitler gave a good name to war, since his name is evoked whenever our politicians want to go to war. Saddam Hussein was "just like Hitler" according to Bush. To be "just like Hitler" or "just like Nazis" is to be associated with the ultimate evil in people's minds. Today's Germans aren't offended by that, since it's not a direct slam on their nationality, only on a political party which is banned in that country. If we did the same thing with the Japanese and Hirohito, the Japanese of today would get offended, and this may cause a rift between our countries. Likewise, any demonization of Stalin would be politically complicated, since Stalin was our ally. So that also gets toned down.


Correct. You can't try to make cases about who is " more evil " so the entire premis of the question is moot. If you look at the numbers Stalin was just as evil of the Nazis and Japanese. Stalin killed millions of his own people let alone what he did to the nations enemies. But Stalin was our ally so we overlooked his actions in order to win the war, it's all politics, it's the lesser of 2 evils.

The same was said about many of the war crimes of German soldiers, the allies needed to get Germany back on its feet as quickly as possible after the war so they turned a blind eye to many of the war crimes committed by the rank and file simply because they needed these men to help run the country. Once a agin, the lesser of 2 evils. The worst thing the free world could have ever imagined would be if Hitler and Stalin had actually become allies I doubt we would ever have stopped them without wholesale use of nuclear weapons.


Funny. Up to now, still nobody has answered my question. Let's include the Soviets and their Gulags too.

Choose between capture by:


Take into account your nationality, status as a civilian or soldier, and for Nazis, if you're an "undesirable" (Jew, Gypsy, Retard, Homosexual, Political activist, etc.)


Fück off already.

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Not until you answer the question.


I, as in me, have answered the question. YOU just don't like my answer or anyone elses answer. Well, that's just too bad.

If you can't accept the answers of people not wanting to compare but respecting atrocites for what they are (separately), then that is more of a problem of YOU needing to compare who is worse, not anyone here. So you can quit trying to pretend anyone here is. It's you. All you.

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No you haven't. Saying "neither" is not a valid answer. Post one word regarding preferred capture:


Then I'll leave you alone.


My answer is completely valid.

Go fúck

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In a multiple choice question you can't just write something down yourself and tick that off instead.


I can and did! 

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Then you failed the exam. 


it was a stupid ass question to start with


The only stupid question is the one that is not asked.

Seriously does nobody even dare to answer the question? All you have to do is reply with 1 of the 3 answers. As a civilian of your country during the 1940s, choose between capture by:


It's a purely hypothetical question and not that difficult to answer. Just say (A), (B), or (C). I'll stop posting and leave you alone after this because I think most of you are reluctant to admit that I was right and most sane people would choose (A).


The only stupid question is the one that is not asked.

Seriously does nobody even dare to answer this question? All you have to do is reply with 1 of the 3 answers. Which Hollywood actor would you rather perform oral sex on?

(A)Whoopi Goldberg
(B)Nathan Lane
(C)Kathy Bates

It's a purely hypothetical question and not that difficult to answer. Just say (A), (B), or (C).


(A)Whoopi Goldberg

At least she could tell me jokes and funny stories.


Cartoon, do you like sushi?


Seriously does nobody even dare to answer the question? All you have to do is reply with 1 of the 3 answers. As a civilian of your country during the 1940s, choose between capture by:


It's a purely hypothetical question and not that difficult to answer. Just say (A), (B), or (C). I'll stop posting and leave you alone after this because I think most of you are reluctant to admit that I was right and most sane people would choose (A).

Okay, I'll answer: (C). As a US citizen during WW2, I would be viewed as a citizen of a country allied with the Soviet Union - and they probably wouldn't even "capture" me. They would contact the US embassy in Moscow and arrange for me to be sent back home. Plus, I would have come from a decidedly "proletarian" background, coming from a family of peasants.

If I was captured by the Nazis, I might conceivably be able to pass myself off as "Aryan," but I'm not pure. But I'd likely be put in with the rest of the "mongrelized" Americans, in a camp commanded by a colonel with a monocle. Although, a midnight rendezvous with Fraulein Hilda might make it somewhat tolerable.


Then you failed the exam.

Good. Being that you can't tell the difference from a scarf and a jacket being unbuttoned. You also think Germany treated all POW in accordance with the Geneva Conventions. You are hardly someone to be handing out "exams".
You claim that everyone always says Hitler and Nazis were the most evil, yet many comments in this thread actually proves otherwise. You think you'd be happy to see that. Nope, not you.

I'm positive you are not even qualified to tell the difference between your own dry fart and wet fart.

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At least we know what you should take into consideration... i could say so much about how stupid youbare, but I won't waste my time on a guy who will just come up with more retarded arguments.

