Is the Holohoax...

Is the Holohoax the greatest hoax in human history?

Serious question.


I'm not sure what you're asking...are you asking whether the holohoax is a hoax or if the Holocaust is?

If the latter, then of course not. Have you not seen the footage?

I've no idea why so many people are curious as to the facts & figures of the Holocaust, especially when the same people never question the numbers killed in other 20th century ethnic cleansing ventures, such as in Serbia, Rwanda or Armenia. Methinks you'd have to be antisemitic to question it.

Anyway, you really need to be a little more specific with your question. Perhaps you're suggesting that no Jews were killed at all. Who knows. Either way I've always been bemused by people who jump on the 'didn't happen' bandwagon with nothing but ignorance, speculation & hatred as their guides; I mean, who are you to question events of 70+ years ago? What is the evidence you have that has prompted the question? Would you ask a similar question to an Auschwitz survivor? If not, why not?


I'm not sure what you're asking...are you asking whether the holohoax is a hoax or if the Holocaust is?

The Holocaust (AKA, Holohoax).

If the latter, then of course not. Have you not seen the footage?

The footage of what, exactly? Have you seen any footage of groups of people being systematically gassed inside chambers? That's the central claim of the Holohoax, that the Germans were deliberately attempting to exterminate European Jewry, yet I've seen no hard evidence that any such thing occurred.

Have you?

I've no idea why so many people are curious as to the facts & figures of the Holocaust, especially when the same people never question the numbers killed in other 20th century ethnic cleansing ventures, such as in Serbia, Rwanda or Armenia.

Because no other ethnic cleansing carries as much political weight as the Holohoax. No other ethnic cleansing has as much historical baggage. No other ethnic cleansing has resulted in such a historical, perpetual victim-status for any of its alleged victims like the Jews with the Holohoax.

Methinks you'd have to be antisemitic to question it.

Why? Why is it OK to question and debate every other historical subject in history, but not OK to question the details of the Holohoax? Truth needs no protecting, only lies do.

Anyway, you really need to be a little more specific with your question. Perhaps you're suggesting that no Jews were killed at all. Who knows.

I'm merely suggesting there were no gas chambers and no systematic or deliberate plan to exterminate the Jews. That's why thousands of Jews were found alive inside multiple camps upon liberation. If the Germans really wanted to kill them, they could have done so with ease. And if I am correct, then that means the "Holocaust", as we have been taught to believe it, is really just a giant fiction. Merely a piece of war/post-war propaganda designed to vilify the German people. Hence the term Holohoax.

Either way I've always been bemused by people who jump on the 'didn't happen' bandwagon with nothing but ignorance, speculation & hatred as their guides...

If ignorance is my guide, then surely you will be able to logically refute the points I've made. Maybe you can start by providing some hard, physical evidence for your Final Solution conspiracy theory? You know, something that proves the gas chamber claims? I doubt it, but I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.

I mean, who are you to question events of 70+ years ago?

I could ask you the same question. Who are you to blindly accept whatever you've been told about the events of 70+ years ago?

What is the evidence you have that has prompted the question?

The lack of evidence is the evidence that has prompted the question.

Would you ask a similar question to an Auschwitz survivor? If not, why not?

Sure, why not? If I were to meet an "Auschwitz survivor" right now, I'd ask the very simple question:

"If the Germans truly were hellbent on killing every last Jew in Europe, and there was an organized plan behind the decision to do so, then how in the world did you manage to survive the war? Why did the Germans allow you to live? Why did they allow you to become a witness against them? Did they just forget their plan when it came to you?"

That's exactly what I would ask them.


No it's not a hoax, it actually happened, the evidence is overwhelming.


Yes. There are still people alive today who were in the camps. I know people who were there, both as prisoners and as liberators.


It's disgusting that people joke about this.


Sadly, it seems many of them know very well it is true. For reasons that vary, they choose to deny something that they know is true.


Most of the reasons have to do with mental illness.


one can quibble over the exact numbers, or the methodology used to make those projections, to be sure. However, I do wonder if some of these same Holocaust skeptics accept the highest possible estimates for those killed by Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot without the slightest quibble over the methodology used.


I also have a serious question.

What's it like to be a dick?


What's it like to be a dick?

If being a dick means not blindly accepting whatever I am told, and instead asking questions, then yes, I am a dick. I embrace it.

Your turn now:

What's it like to be a sheeple?


do I have to do this one more time?

If I spend the time picking at you, peeling away your bull$hit arguments, I know exactly what I'll find, its the same every time, year after year.

Since we've only got 1 week left spare me the effort. Just tell us all how Zionists run the world, Auschwitz didn't have any gas chambers, Jews control the media, their was no master plan for Final Solution, and nobody can prove any Jewish loss of life between 1940-1945, its all a Jewish conspiracy!

Please, enlighten me. Educate me. Give me all your evidence.

And in the end, at the end of the thread, when your exhausted, we'll all see that your just a hate filled Jew hating anti-Semite.


It appears to me you haven't done anything at all, other than begin the process of surrendering to me and slinking away with your tail tucked between your legs.

Tell me something, if there truly was a "Final Solution" policy in place, and those internment camps truly were "death camps", then why were so many thousands of Jews found alive inside them? Why weren't they all dead? Why were the Germans so comfortable with leaving thousands of eyewitnesses alive to testify against them in future war crimes tribunals?

LOL, this ought to be good...


You want an explanation of why there were survivors?

I suppose anyone who was present and witnessed the 9/11 attacks are full of $hit also because they didn't die.

Or was 9/11 all a big hoax pulled off by the Mossad?


You want an explanation of why there were survivors?

I suppose anyone who was present and witnessed the 9/11 attacks are full of $hit also because they didn't die.

This comparison fails, since the goal of the 9/11 operation wasn't to kill every New Yorker along with every witness to the event, as is claimed with the alleged "Final Solution" conspiracy theory and European Jews.

Or was 9/11 all a big hoax pulled off by the Mossad?

Sure, why not? Is there a reason it couldn't have been?

No other country had more to gain from 9/11 than Israel.


Your mother's vagina is the greatest hoax in history.

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LOL, I've got you Holohoaxers frothing at the mouth and scurrying around like scared cockroaches already.

Damn I am good!


The only one frothing is you. Dementia can do that

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Impossible, since I am prevailing in each discussion I am involved in here.

A total cakewalk so far...


Holocaust deniers want to debate the very existence of the Holocaust as a historical event. They want above all to be seen as legitimate scholars arguing a historical point. They crave attention, a public platform to air what they refer to as “the other side of the issue.” Because legitimate scholars do not doubt that the Holocaust happened, such assertions play no role in historical debates. Although deniers insist that the idea of the Holocaust as myth is a reasonable topic of debate, it is clear, in light of the overwhelming weight of evidence that the Holocaust happened, that the debate the deniers proffer is more about anti-Semitism and hate politics than it is about history.


A total cakewalk so far..

There are tales of your mother being a total cakewalk

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Your tears are my fuel, cuckboy, LOL.


What's the difference between you and Hitler? Hitler knew when to kill himself.

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Likewise. What's the difference between you and the Jews? That's easy, no Jews were ever gassed and turned into lampshades, but you will soon be.


Go apologize to your mother for not being a stillborn.

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I can't, your mother is on top of me right now, bouncing like a ball.

You'll have to come pick this bitch up when I am done with her, thanks.


So, this is what we know. The Holocaust didn't happen & Israeli Mossad agents brought down the World Trade center buildings. OK.

Then, keeping you on script please profess your sympathy for the Palestinian people, and how Israel is committing a Holocaust against them.


The Holocaust didn't happen & Israeli Mossad agents brought down the World Trade center buildings.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

I've only been here a couple of days and I've got you talking like a Nazi, LOL!


Sure, we established your pinheaded beliefs.

Now follow the script & explain the Holocaust against the Palestinians.


Why are you so desperate to change the subject away from your sacred Holohoax narrative and onto the Palestinians instead?

Changing the subject will not prevent you from losing this debate.


What will you do after the 20th? It will be a happy day when you and your ilk will be gone.


What will I do after the 20th? First I will celebrate my overwhelming victory on this board. Since none of you seem to be up to the task of challenging me, that outcome is unavoidable. Then I will migrate to a new forum full of Holohoax parrots like yourself and I will control the narrative there as well.

It's what I do.


You do nothng. I get it, it's your last attempt at trolling the boards before they close. You're not even a good troll. Seen way better.

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Call me a troll all you want, but you still can't win a debate against me or shut me down on this subject.


 Amazon is going to shut you down.

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You'll have to come pick this bitch up when I am done with her, thanks.

Nahh. She's all yours now.

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Very well, your surrender is accepted.


Oh no sweetie. You're the one surrendering 

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I'm not the one on the run, sugar. You are.

On this board only a few days, and I'm standing atop multiple threads unchallenged.


Oh you're running. A wanking marathon

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Cry some more!


get a new hobby. get a life. get a new prescription



You’re not good. You’re delusional, a sadist and a narcissist. Small wonder you have no friends.


I don't know if it's a hoax but everything about it is highly exaggerated. There's no proof that even close to 6 million Jews were killed for starters.


STFU, cunt.


Aw little internet dweeb thinks he's tough.


And pathetic internet troll wanker thinks he's correct and everyone else is wrong.


Looks like I struck a nerve. There's no conclusive evidence that 6 million Jews were killed. Deal with it dweeb.


stick it


Do you have any idea how much would be required to stage a hoax like that? Two things are definitely real: The Holocaust and the Moon Landing. There are plenty of real conspiracies that need to be exposed. Focus on those instead.


I forget, why did the IMDB forums get shut down? Oh yeah, 4chan style threads like this one.


The only "hoax" part is the usual Jewish ignoring that five million non-Jews were also slaughtered, including almost three million Russian POW's who were trying to end Nazi Germany.
