MovieChat Forums > Rudy (1993) Discussion > Rudy's Dad was kind of a jerk

Rudy's Dad was kind of a jerk

It always irked me when Pete asked if they could watch a little bit of the Purdue game at halftime and then Rudys dad says we only watch ND in this house. Who treats a young guest like that? A-hole. Other than that loved the movie.


Most people I know who are super fans of a team usually want to see the games of their major rivals (as PU is for ND) in order to do a 'scouting report.'


4) You ever seen Superman $#$# his pants? Case closed.


He was a saint compared to my dad. My father was outright nasty to some guests and I don't remember ever being allowed to have friends over, let alone allowing anybody to watch television. It was absolutely unheard of and my dad isn't a big sports fan. He is just set in his ways and isn't welcoming to many people.


I think he's what they call Xenophobic or something like that.

You want to play the game, you'd better know the rules, love.
-Harry Callahan


My father? Maybe. He seems to hate everybody equally so I don't know if that word fits. ;-)


I'd argue that Rudy's dad was worse to Rudy. Rudy goes to college and is getting good grades and his dad could care less. But when Rudy finally gets into Notre Dame, then his dad is actually happy. Not exactly an ideal parent there...


Rudy's dad was happy that Rudy was getting good grades, but at that point, he seemed to think that a college education for any Ruettiger was still a waste of time. His father eventually came around.

I wouldn't be too hard on Rudy's dad. A lot of working class people back then didn't dream of leaving the class they were born into.


I don't know...I think Ned Beatty played him really well. He reminded me a little of Mr. Arnold in "The Wonder Years" with a gruff demeanor, but a really good heart on the inside. I think he cared about all his sons and just wanted them to be the best they could be.

If you're not taking any steps forward, you're not moving at all.


The father, if you can call him that, was a loser. He berates his son and puts throwing a ball above anything else.


Was Ned Beatty's character developed to the point where we can come to conclusions about what kid of person he was?

He was a working class guy raising a huge family with little time for nonsense or dreams. One of his few recreations was ND football. The line about only watching ND on tv was put in to let audiences know how fanatical they were about the team.

Pete worked his whole life in the steel mill. I'm sure he feels that if it was good enough for him it should be good enough for his sons.

I think A-hole is too strong a description.



Rudy's dad was a product of his times. I try not to judge people of the past by the metrics of today.


Fathers are worse today.

At least this man had a decent job and was responsible.
