MovieChat Forums > Romeo Is Bleeding (1994) Discussion > One thing I still don't understand... (s...

One thing I still don't understand... (spoilers)

Why did Mona cut off her left arm? At first I thought maybe that arm was amputated from the beginning, but then I rewatched the scene where she and Jack are in the safehouse and when she takes off her dress there's no artificial arm. So it didn't happen until later in the movie, but the thing I still don't understand is why she cut it off.


It appeared that Grimaldi shot her in the arm after the fight scene in the car. Earlier Demarkov had promised Grimaldi that she'd be able to convince everyone concerned that she was dead by providing forensic evidence. Placing her now detached arm the scene of the fire would provide the coroner with proof that it was Demarkov, not Sheri, that was consumed in the fire. Of course this completely ignores the fact that there would be overwhelming forensic evidence that the girlfriend also died in the fire.

Warning: I probably read the book first.

