MovieChat Forums > Romeo Is Bleeding (1994) Discussion > Oldman and Scheider miscast

Oldman and Scheider miscast

The cast of this film is excellent except for 2 choices.
Firstly, Oldman gives the most pathetic and inept Bogey impersonation ever.
Second, Roy Scheider is just not believable as a drug kingpin - not from his track record, nor his appearance or his (debatable) talents. Personally I would have cast Chris Walken in the Falcone role.

Fun is a steel bath.


With all due respect, you're nuts.

Yes, we have noble llamas.


I tend to disagree. Oldman was superb!


Oldman was by far, the best thing about this film!! (I know, people love Olin in this, but for me, it's Gary who makes this!)


I agree about Scheider. Oldman is fine in the role although a few other actors could have pulled it off, too.


Oldman was an inspired choice, young naive, greedy, no self control....

Scheider was neither here nor there.

Oldman's performance is so good u can see bruce willis emulate it in the sincity movie


Example of Oldman's perfection in the role:
Look at his face in the scene where his wife (half) jokingly points his own pistol at him while he eats dinner.


Oldman is the best of this movie.
Also think Lena Olin was terrific.

Example of Oldman's perfection in the role:
Look at his face in the scene where his wife (half) jokingly points his own pistol at him while he eats dinner.

and: Example of Oldman's perfection in the role:
Look at his face in the scene where he is looking at his wife the last time they see each other at the airport.


They were both great - and these are some of their best performances. Scheider is 10 times the actor Walken is. Walken would make the role cartoony and laughable. Scheider is far more convincing as a dangerous man.

"Do you realise that Otto spelled backwards is Otto?"


what!? Scheiders a pro. I can’t think of a better choice for the role. In fact I wish he coulda done more films were he explored his darker side.


I agree - Scheider was perfectly evil in this, he wasn't a "drug kingpin", he was a Mob boss, period, and he pulled it off well. His threats were very believable to me. I like how he offers Jack "Coffee?" His speech after that is intense. He pulls off "mean" very well.

"Now, I know I'm pretty, but I ain't as pretty as a coupla titties!"


Miscast…hmmm…idk about that. This is coming from a HUGE huge hugee Walken fan, and a Gary Oldman fan since about ’97 (The Fifth Element/Airforce One days)….i gotta disagree that Scheider can’t play the role, especially to say he has questionable talent. NOT that Walken and Oldman aren’t good, bc they both are amazingly talented, its just that he definitely has that side in him.

I saw it yesterday when I was watching Jaws, hence why I felt compelled to post on this lol. It’s the scene where Quint smashes the radio, and Brody has that little outburst. You can see it in Scheiders eyes, he lets out that kind of darker side that brodybruce was talking about.

I’ll admit I haven’t seen ALL of Scheiders work tho it would be could cool to see his darker side more


Agree about Scheider. Didn't even look italian at all. Chris Walken isn't italian but would have worked a lot better (he was great as the Sicilian mobster Vincenzo Cocotti in True Romance).

But Oldman was great in his part! Perfect casting. That being said, I guess Mickey Rourke, Bruce Willis or Gabriel Byrne could've pulled it off.

Great movie this one


I agree with others. You're nuts. And don't know much about actors or movies.


This was the first film in which I ever saw Scheider, and thought he was tremendous. I'm an Oldman fan but I didn't care for him in this.
