Locksley and Bahgel

I can't believe how long it took me to get this joke.

In the scene where we first see Mel Brooks as the Rabbi, he says:
"Locksley and Bahgel, can't miss."

It finally clicked that it is Lox and Bagels, popular Jewish cusine.
So simple, yet I missed it all these years.

I've even read the trivia page before and still it went over my head.



Omg I feel so dumb after seeing this movie like a billion times. I guess that is what keeps you coming back for more..there is always another joke you missed.


took me forever to get it as well...LOL i was 14 when this movie came out and i didnt get the quote that the sheriff uses when the key fits into the lock of the chastity belt perfectly..."oh Robin this means you've always been my true love cause its jut the right size"..."Its not the size that counts its how you use it.


Same for me. All this time and just got it last night.
