Odd timing of Lord Darlington

He hosts nazi sympathisers, asks to have young jewish refugees removed from his service.....regrets it, wants them back. Maybe he's changed his views and doesn't care what his arrogant guests think?

Apparently not. He then he continues to host Nazis and Mosley, etc?


He isn’t really a Nazi sympathizer...so he has second thoughts about the Jewish stuff.

What he is...is a guy with outdated honor code that thinks he owes the current German state something because of supposed mistreatment in the past...which causes him to act naively....as the Reeve character states.


Yeah, good explanation. Thanks


To me the scene that really shows how out of his depth he is....is when he has the German Ambassador over that one night his Godson is there....he is treating these guys like his friends, talking about how he wants peace in honor of his WWI German friend that committed suicide....while they talk in German about which pieces of his art they are going to take when they invade.


He was supposed to represent the appeasers in Britain who just wanted to avoid repeating the disaster that was WW1. I don't think he was a Nazi sympathiser he was just trying to be nice to the Germans so they might think twice about going to war. You know the hand on the back and a friendly " There's a good chap. " Well meaning but as Christopher Reeve's character said " Amateurs totally out of your depth."


Well intentioned but naive.
