4 or 5

I'm trying to see wich one is better. Personally, I like 5 better than 4.


i think 4 is more fun than 5. part 5 just seems to get too confusing and by that point i was worn out on the story being stretched to the Nth degree. they're both fun though.



I liked 5 more because of the increased amount of action and because of one of the greatest fights in horror history "Sutek Totem VS. Decapitron"... Man... as slow and short as that fight was, it still kicked hyper-ass.

I'll swallow your soul!
Liberals suck...


Well I would go with Puppetmaster 4. I like that one more only because of that one was a perfect table setter for the 5. Also it had Henry (The Rival of Rick) In it. He brought a good contrast to Rick, and he represented what so many other people would be like if they got the puppets.


I was left dissapointed with Part 4,I'd say Part 5 is alot better.

One thing that bugs me, where is Torch in Part 4? he appears in Part 5 and it doesn't explain where he came from/got found?


Torch is made in part 2 by toulon.


what Stev-1980 is referring to is the fact that Torch is nowhere to be found in part 4. he's never discovered by Rick. he's not in the film anywahere and has absolutely NO CONTACT with Rick. then in part 5 he just shows up out of nowhere and Rick just knows him like he's been around all along despite his abscense from the previous installment.



Yeah, that is weird. But I like to think of Parts 4-5 happening AFTER 1-2 anyways. Disregard Legacy all I want...Rick lives! lol...awww. :*(

As for which I prefer...
I think Part 5 is my favorite in the series. I like the first 6 (Curse to a much lesser degree than its predecessors) but I have to give the edge to Part II for being more violent/funner than I and III, and I override Part 4 with Part 5 because of the quicker pace and awesome action sequences. I see the series as a big failure when it comes to their plots, but the joy in watching fir me is for the puppets, and with Decapitron, Blade, Pinhead, Jester, Tunneler, Torch and Six-Shooter (forgot someone? Hmm...) all banding together, it felt nice. Dare I say, I like when the toys turn good, rather than bad.

I review horror films at: http://www.oh-the-horror.com/
440 with pics!


would of been better if leech and torch were in it more


I just like them as it was a carry on from each



I haven't watched 5 yet, but 4 is by now the worst movie in this series (though I expect it to get even worse after 5). The plot in 4 is so ridiculously terrible and the acting is god awful. E.g., why does the Puppet Master say that the need to bring that Gestapo looking back to life to stop the "demons" or whatever they are? Seems like the other puppets/people were doing fine killing off the demons. I'm actually quite amazed how bad this was as first 20-25 minutes or so weren't bad at all, actually rather good. However, when the actors do nothing but stare at the demons and some *beep* about the final puppet is brought up by the Puppet Master, then everything turns to utter *beep*

The same night I also watched "The Dead Want Women", and that makes Puppet Master 4 look like a master piece, so at least it wasn't the worst movie I saw that day.


i like 4 better. 5 was ok, but it wasnt nearly as good as 4.
