In the movie there is a scene in which JP (Dermot Mulroney) is taking pictures of Claudia (Bridget Fonda). We hear Nina Simone singing 'Here Comes the Sun' at the same time as we see Claudia saying something to JP.
Or rather, she does not actually say it out loud but just mouths the words to him over quite a distance, and he answers back. I haven’t been able to figure out exactly what they are supposed to say to each other. I have the feeling she may say something with “boys…” but I really don’t have a clue.
So I hope someone who can read lips will see this and go to the website where I have uploaded a clip to the website linked below. I would be extremely grateful if anyone can help me solve this! Thanks!!!!!!!
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My suggestion is " boys are bad " and JP continues : " ...boys blow " . English is not my best language so somebody "english speaking" can find easily better words.
She definitely says "Blow Job". Can't remember exactly what came before that, but it's like when you ask someone to say "Cheese", or the like, before taking their picture. I think he says, "Say ""Blow Job"" and she responds with the words. Can't make out (or remember) what his reponse is.
Most of the people who have sent me suggestions in response to the clip I uploaded, have suggested she says either "pork chop" or "blow job"!
Now, my question is: is there anyone out there (perhaps a photograper?) who knows if there is a word or a phrase you tell people to say when you take pictures of them in order for them to look as if they are pouting. Just like there is the word "cheese" so you look as if you're smiling.
It is always possible that she said something else other than "blowjob", but I believe Maggie said "blowjob" and I'll try to tell you why I think so. I think so because if you remember from the beginning of the movie when Maggie is arrested after the shootout in the drug store (or whatever store that was), the cop at the desk asks her what her names is and she replies, "Maggie," then he says "full name...," and finally she says "Blowjob...Maggie Blowjob". Afterwhich she's knocked down to the floor by this cop.
But anyways, I think (but not saying for sure) this clues the viewer in on the fact that she is using that word, not necessarily something to keep in your mind as if it was so important, but when it came up again and she was mouthing the word to JP and his camera, we could picture her saying "blowjob"; the earlier scene may even be triggered. But it seemed as though she mouthed the word pretty clearly.
I had forgotten that part (about her response to her name at the police station). In any case, I rented the DVD and was bummed to remember that there is no voice at that point, just the video of them on the beach and a music over-score. In any case, I agree with the previous poster and stick with my original thought, which is that she says "blowjob". Still don't have a clue what his response is!
When I saw the movie, I was sure it was "Pork Chop". When I read the question here, I had forgotten, but went to see the clip. It still seemed pretty obvious she said "Pork Chop".
I couldn't make out what he said, but "c'mon smile" seems to fit.