Vapid US remake of Nikita

Once more Hollywood try to remake a good movie and failing utterly. See the original Nikita instead. ( )


Actually this movie was not bad, but it did not make it for a number of reasons. Everything was too loosely put together. The character relationships and development were weak. The script itself, well, some say it was barely changed from the Nikita one, and in that case, it is down to weak directing, as the actors in the film are all excellent actors. I like it even though it was lacking. We were supposed to feel for Bridget Fonda, but I felt nothing and had the movie been done better, I have no doubt I would have had some sort of interest in the main protagonist(s).


I have to agree.. the movie itself it not "bad"....

BUT, its the best example of everything that is wrong with Hollywood movies, relying on explosions and gunfire to create excitment, instead of good old fashioned suspense and movie artistry.

This was the first movie that I ever saw both a "good" and a "hollywood" version of, and I have to say the subtitled version created the mood of the characters much better... We do NOT need to see the top blow off a hotel, just to know that something important happened...

Watch the orginal for artistic values, watch this one when your only other choice is sitcom repeats...



I love Nikita I think it's a great film and I think this version is good as well I don't know why so many people don't like it. I also think that the chemistry between Gabriel Byrne and Bridget fonda is better than the chemistry between the french actors who played Bob and Nikita. Also I liked the ending better in the American version because it was less confusing than the ending in Nikita.


I love Nikita I think it's a great film and I think this version is good as well I don't know why so many people don't like it.

This has already been brought up, but in the original film when Nikita did her first job at the hotel. Nothing happened, you get this idea that her job isn't going to be that horrible for the most part. She comes back, she's happy, she's relieved.

The American film - the hotel blows up, probably killing dozens of people, as if that wouldn't be all of the news and media the next day: "Marriot hotel explosion, 16 people dead, 27 people injured" - yeah, right. Real subtle.

That's just one example, but it's the most glaring example.

The end of both films, Nikita is in a panic, she's desperate, she's clearly fearing for her life - the job is all F'ed up and Victor the machine doesn't ever give up - he doesn't care, the job must be finished. What happened in Point of No Return?

The original was far more believable. The remake was just a typical action film where you have to dump your brain into the trash before you sit down in the theater. I hated the remake, it simply didn't work. I was looking forward to the remake back then too.


I had to reply to this post even though it is 4 years old.

I have seen point of no return first as a child several times and i liked the movie very much as well as the music score (i realy don't understand what some people have against the music, i'll probably talk about that in another post). It was just a couple of years ago that i learned that it was a remake of the french original "Nikita".

Having a grat respect to europen cinematography i thought to my self that if I liked "Point of no return" so much, than "Nikita" must be in the least a brilliant movie. However, after watching "Nikita" i will not say i was dissapointed, but rather that it did not meet my expectations. It was a cold story with almost no music in it at all and the only character that raised my interest was the cleaner, portraied by Jean Reno.

So to conclude this reply to the orriginal post: I wathced the original "NIkita" and my opinion is, however ubeleivable as it may seem, that the remake is a far better movie than the original is.

That's all.


No accounting for taste.


Clearly. The original movie 'Nikita' was a much more stylish, angst-ridden affair, which deals with injustice, imperfection and the loss of innocence in a more skilful way. Almost a classic. This remake isn't bad at all, but it's very much the unrealistic, unbelievable, excessively glossy Hollywood movie in a sort of rock'n'roll youth-rebellion tradition that seems inappopriate and is also very much out of step with the dark, brooding feel of the original. Although Bridget Fonda's pretty enough and the standard of acting of the main cast compensates for the deficiencies of this movie, somewhat.

