MovieChat Forums > Point of No Return (1993) Discussion > Is it because north-americans ...

Is it because north-americans ...

Why did Hollywood have to remake this movie and why did they always have to “Americanize” masterpieces from other countries?

Is it because north-americans:

1] Are too lazy to read subtitles
2] Don´t want to deal with foreign culture
3] Fend subtle clues, jokes or thoughts that aren´t telegraphed three minutes in advance
4] Don´t want to think when they watch a movie
5] Are incapable to understand new concepts
6] Don´t deal with foreign country views and places
7] Don´t cope with characters who don´t prove themselves to be beautiful, loveable or stereotyped
8] Think that only USA is able to make good movies and they will improve the original masterpiece

What do you think ?


Nope. The problem is that HOLLYWOOD thinks that Americans are all of what you just listed. Americans thinks otherwise. I mean, there's entire websites/books devoted to talk about how the studio's screwed up someone's script or story idea or how Hollywood changes a book's story because they don't think people will get it, like we're a bunch of dolts. So it really has nothing to do with where the idea for the movie (in this case, Nikita) came from and everything to do with Hollywood execs thinking they know better than us. You ever watch a movie that seems to be missing something, that spark that would make it a really good movie? Cut usually because of some silly notion or another. This is also why Dcuts are usually better than the theater version because it has stuff that never should've been taken out in the first place. Or like Invasion, where they changed the entire ending to make it more action-heavy. Since we're talking about Besson, Unleashed (With Jet Li) is a good example of this. I saw this in the theater and I thought it was alright, yet when I get the uncut DVD, the characters come forward more because they spent an extra 10 minutes developing them in the original cut. But why can't I watch this version in the theater instead? Anyways, in this day and age of the internet and international releases, now more than ever, ppl are open to other kinds of movies. I personally like it better with the subtitles so I can hear the tone the dialogue is said with. My sister and niece loves Bollywood movies (I don;t but...).

Also, since I don't detect overt sarcasm from you, I'll let it slide that you assume we don't like well thought out movies because we have our masterpieces as well, just harder to hear about them in-between 10,000BC, 2012, and Independence Day. lol. Peace from the States.

Just my one cent since I can't afford two.


i think its a combination of both the OP's list and alekesam's defense.

I do think it is Hollywood who wants to feed the Americans what they should and shouldn't watch. BUT, maybe Hollywood isn't so far out to assume that of American's (USA). I can't even count the rude and stupid comments i read on youtube from American's about foreign movies and culture. What's worse, I can't even count the times, people have walked out of the theater when they realize that movie is subtitled. That actually makes me mad.

I remember when Pan's Labyrinth came out. I went to watch it in theaters and so many people left because it was subtitled. Yeah, it's their choice to leave but you should have heard the racist remarks these people were blabbing. It was a true shame for all US Americans to have these ignorant bastards as part of their community.

To sum it up, Hollywood does feed Americans some really dumb *beep* but that's because that dumb *beep* WILL do better than a good foreign film to be released in theaters here. SUPPLY ON DEMAND. What else can be said?


I do think it is Hollywood who wants to feed the Americans what they should and shouldn't watch. BUT, maybe Hollywood isn't so far out to assume that of American's (USA). I can't even count the rude and stupid comments i read on youtube from American's about foreign movies and culture. What's worse, I can't even count the times, people have walked out of the theater when they realize that movie is subtitled. That actually makes me mad.

I'd say that every country has it's fair share of rude ppl with stupid comments tho'. I mean, I'm not excusing the ppl who spout ignorant posts from my native country (US) because ignorant is ignorant regardless of where it comes from. But as many ignorant comments you hear from some of my fellow Americans, you hear just as many negative/ignorant comments from ppl from other countries as well downing the US.

That said, I understand your pain when it comes to subtitles, although in my experience, I rarely see ppl walk out on a movie because of it. It's usually afterwards when I hear ppl complain about the subtitles. At home on DVD/Bluray, subtitles aren't complained about interestingly.

To sum it up, Hollywood does feed Americans some really dumb *beep* but that's because that dumb *beep* WILL do better than a good foreign film to be released in theaters here. SUPPLY ON DEMAND. What else can be said?

(When is IMDB going to install a proper Quote function? =)

Doesn't Hollywood feed THE WORLD some really dumb $#!t as well? You do realize that some movie studios bank a movie's success on how well it does overseas, often times saving it when it tanks over here. I mean some really crappy movies do better overseas by a wide margin than they do here so it can't be us by ourselves all the time.

The core of the problem is that Hollywood refuses to take chances anymore. I wrote this elsewhere on IMDB somewhere but the biggest reason why theres so many remakes is because a proven franchise guarantees a certain amount of box office cash and attendance. With the economy being the way it is, they're playing it ultra safe, compounded by this need to cheat creativity with gimmick 3D, all because Avatar (great effects/horrid been there-done that story) broke almost 3 billion worldwide. So now everything has to be done in 3D, even if it wouldn't benefit from it.

Just my one cent since I can't afford two.


Get lost, wog.

"They sucked his brains out!"



That's about all there is to it. They thought they could make money from it, so they tried it.

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