MovieChat Forums > Point of No Return (1993) Discussion > How old is Maggie (the main character) i...

How old is Maggie (the main character) in this movie?

I haven't found this anywhere.


Mid to late 20's.


Thanks for replying! How do you know she is in her mid to late 20's?


It's not specified, but that's how old she looks. does a body dead


23 going on 24 at the time of the dinner with "Uncle Bob", I think.


She's 24, going on 25. In the dinner scene with all three, JP asks Bob just how old he is, to which he replies 37. And he says it is 13 years older than Claudia, to which JP erroneously replies that it's going to be 14 years soon as Claudia's birthday is coming up (it should be 12 years, not 14).


My rule of thumb or "default" assumption for the age of a character in a movie unless the movie makes it obvious (like a 22 year old in highschool is obviously a teenager) or specifically states the age is to assume the character and the actor at time of filming are the same age, so I would say her age is the same age that the actress Bridget Fonda was when the movie was filmed.

Oh, and speaking of "age" her role was as a femme fatale assassin. What happens when she gets too old and her looks start to fade? do they give her a different job like that ugly old hag who taught her table manners or do they just have her killed?


Actually, considering her drug addiction, proximity to youth...I would say no more then 23. Besides, she's still hot.



24 during the dinner with Bob & J.P., 25 shortly afterwards. However, as it was set in the USA she was presumably on death row for several years before her faked execution.



Thank you. That was stated clearly before he brought her the birthday cake. She would be turning 20.
