Deleted scenes on DVD?
I downloaded this movie the other day off the net, it claimed to be a DVD rip. I watched it, and it's missing two scenes which I remember well:
- On this dvdrip, Victor the cleaner pours the acid on the bodies and then it cuts to him and bridget fonda on the car on their way to the husband's house. It's missing quite a lot of scene as he doesn't say "she's still alive" when she pours the acid on Olivia d'Abo's character, nor bridget fonda's companion is shown being killed.
-When Bridget fonda arrives to the house of Olivia d'Abo's husband, he's on the bathtub and bridget points him with the gun. he ignores her and starts reading the newspaper again. The scene which was missing next had bridget getting some pointy crystal thing and scratching his back with it, it was not on this movie i downloaded.
Were those scenes deleted from the dvd or it was simply a poorly made rip I downloaded?