Deleted scenes on DVD?

I downloaded this movie the other day off the net, it claimed to be a DVD rip. I watched it, and it's missing two scenes which I remember well:

- On this dvdrip, Victor the cleaner pours the acid on the bodies and then it cuts to him and bridget fonda on the car on their way to the husband's house. It's missing quite a lot of scene as he doesn't say "she's still alive" when she pours the acid on Olivia d'Abo's character, nor bridget fonda's companion is shown being killed.

-When Bridget fonda arrives to the house of Olivia d'Abo's husband, he's on the bathtub and bridget points him with the gun. he ignores her and starts reading the newspaper again. The scene which was missing next had bridget getting some pointy crystal thing and scratching his back with it, it was not on this movie i downloaded.

Were those scenes deleted from the dvd or it was simply a poorly made rip I downloaded?



I watched the Blu-ray last night and those scenes were in the movie.
On a side note, the disc was bare bones. No special features, just the trailer.


yeah just watched it...he does say she's not dead (olivias body starts to shake violently from the acid) and her partner (the black girl) gets shot because she freaks out...he looks at bridgets character to see if she needs to be silenced to and she says "well i never did mind about the little things" (best scene and line in the movie)

and yeah in the bathtub he ignores her says suck my d*** and reads his paper til she cuts his back


for the person who said the disc is bare bones.

I think we can really expect that from any film on DVD before the year 2000. I think that's when things really blew up about special features and extras as the marketing became competitive w/ special editions, collectors editions, limited editions etc.

I don't actually think the studios really kept all the extra stuff. i think they just scrapped it. Unless the movie was a huge film or costly, there was not much really to preserve. people back in the day weren't so crazy about additional material as we are today.

The one film I'm amazed by in age and special features is "GONE WITH THE WIND". That film was made in 1939 and the bluray release has over 8 hours of special features, casting tapes, and lots of other stuff. I would have never imagined that such things were even kept at all for films this old. But again, it was a major major film in its time and still is. Point of No Return is not a big film.


On the last scene where she is trying to get the disc from the guy and they have a fight does she end up killing him? It is never shown, just shows her running down the stairs after they scuffle and I think she hits him. Though maybe it would be in a deleted scene what happened after the scuffle.

Why have they not fixed the imdb login?

You click on a comment you want to comment on, then login and it takes you right back to the home page which is annoying, if you don't click on a comment and just login it keeps you on the page you were on, plus after you make a comment they should make the movie, actor you are on click able, they don't so you have to retype it and go back to the first page, clicking back takes you back to the comment you made which is not what you want unless you want to re edit it.
