... then these people have clearly been swimming in the shallow end of the pool! Just cos you write poetry don't mean you got 'substance'; and jus' cos you got a vaguely clever title doesn't mean you got a movie, either! 3/10.
When you don't see her for ages, you think no-one's THAT beautiful. She is.
why are people so arrogant? do you think what they are dealing with is not worth anything... living in a world of violence, being underpaid, striving for more, searching for love, losing the people around you, drug addicts everywhere, a meaniingless existence...i guess it's not enough...he (pac) should've probably be in a wheelchair and have scoliosis, while being in love with a blind lesbian (janet) to please you...or something along those lines...strangely enough i value your opinion based on the list of movies in your favourite list...but i gotta say i disagree with you on poetic justice, so watch it again, without a critical eye...just watch the movie without expecting it to change your life...and in you will be touched in some way...this movie is not rying to be deep or change your life, but it just giving you a simple love story... maybe this movie is missing a few elements but that doesn't mean that it was awful or not worth mention...so watch it again, and again, and again until you like it...lol
I obviously felt it wasn't written well enough... Although I wrote those comments just after seeing it, and that was nearly two years ago now... I've seen too many movies since for this one to be at all 'memorable', so that has to say something... !
Offhand I can only think of two movies I've ever changed my mind about, so the chances of that happening in this case are slim... I didn't go into it expecting my life to be changed; it's just as well, because aside from two good performances by the leads, I got virtually nothing out of it.