MovieChat Forums > Poetic Justice (1993) Discussion > I've got a really odd question

I've got a really odd question

does anyone know when this film wouldve been on HBO (or another such movie channel)?

you see, I'm trying to pinpoint an exact moment in my life, trying to figure out what year it was, and the ONLY thing I can remember for sure, is that I had been watching this on TV in a spare room at my grandpatents house.

it couldn't have been on VHS or something, it had to be a movie channel. and it had to be after 1993 (the year IMDB lists its release), I'm just curious how long after. so if anyone has this odd tidbit of knowledge....please help me out =) thanks


I think I may be able to help you with your inquiry. I myself saw the film for the first time on HBO in 1994 when it made it's debut on the channel. They even had a "Making of" special that they aired prior to showing the movie itself.


MANNN did it come out that early??? I was off by a couple of years then!! But that was a great movie, i need to get that one on DVD!!!!


It would have been about a year after it's theatrical release so June-July 1994.



In Spring 1994 I was a freshman in college. I remember stopping in an RA's room and watching part of the film. It HAD to be before second week of May. I'm thinking March-April is more likely.


in 94 is when i remember seeing it. only premium station I had then was "prism" which is now called starz. I recorded it,& the vhs got messed up.

you are N0T the father!
