Does bad sex make a woman really behave like this, saying such mean things? And why stay with him then, to disrespect and humiliate him? Why didn't she just dump him quietly, and a lot sooner?
Me personally, I won't even touch a girl like that with a ten foot pole, but see, this is why I would want my stroke game to be so good, that if I met a mean woman like that, she'd be singing a different tune, and things would have gone differently. She'd be eating out of my hands. She'd be following me around all the time, not even noticing nor paying any attention to any other man. She'd be the one dick-whipped. And if by chance we had an argument, or she were angry, it would be for a totally different reason. She wouldn't say those mean things. She couldn't. Because in addition to being well endowed, I'd have an inexhaustible amount of finesse, iron, energy, stamina, endurance and power. Things wouldn't take a violent turn, because we wouldn't have made each other that angry. And if I were to put my hands on her, it would be to give her a good spanking, as opposed to hitting her in the face.