It's okay to be gay!

First let me start off by saying that I am not gay, but what I have to say needs to be said! there is nothing wrong with homosexuality despite what fundamentalist Christians on here say. Being a bigot and persecuting another group is not right! I don't understand how some Christians see that as "love"!?

I have this psychological disorder


I agree friend. What is "normal," really? And that's fine. I have autism.


`It's okay to be gay'. Really - just okay? Not wonderful. Nor even good. Only okay...

Maybe the claim it's only `okay' is why you begin with a caveat emphasising that you yourself are not gay. Maybe you see yourself as good, great, wonderful, and of course heterosexual. But hey - you don't mind offering a little patronage to lesser mortals. Those who are only - `okay'...

Or maybe you thought that by claiming to be heterosexual, it would in some way lend more weight to you opinion. No-one could accuse you of bias then. `Hey - he's queer; he's bound to say that.' But then; we've only got your word for it, even so. You could be lying. You could just be saying that to trump the critics and bigots.

`There's nothing wrong with homosexuality'. Really? You know that for a fact? Clear and unequivocal: there's nothing amiss with a sexually-reproductive organism being sexually attracted to the same sex in vain contradiction of our evolved reproductive protocol, and from which no issue could possibly derive though they hammered away till hell froze over. You're quite sure?

Now suppose someone claimed that it certainly wasn't `okay' to be gay - that instead it was a repulsive, sick perversion. And suppose that individual emphasised his or her homosexuality as proof of his or her case. Do you think your opinion would count for more than theirs?

If a heterosexual says it's okay and a homosexual says it ain't; who should we believe? Who's telling the truth? There being a truth, that is.


For christ's sake mate, the OP was simply trying to share a message of equality and acceptance. Why have you deconstructed it so violently? It wasn't a newspaper column, just a comment on a film related message board.

And how is the OP suggesting that his sexual orientation is superior? "Okay" is a neutral term, which is precisely the point - homosexuality should be valued as equal, not better nor worse than heterosexuality.

Also, no there isn't anything "wrong" with homosexuality, as that is a moral term. I'd argue defiantly that it isn't wrong. But yes, it is arguable that it is abnormal - after all organisms are intended to reproduce, if your natural instinct isn't to then there's a flaw there.

I'm sure the OP stating his/her sexuality was a harmless attempt to show an objective viewpoint. Personally as a gay person I do feel heterosexual support of gay rights is sometimes more important from from fellow gays, as there are a lot more people who hate others than who hate themselves - and someone supporting a cause that doesn't directly affect them is commendable.


Okay. It's not okay. It is wrong. Very, very wrong. Better?


"Okay. It's not okay. It is wrong. Very, very wrong. Better?"

"Better" and more concise. Thank you, Gribfritz2

"Mankind cannot solve the world's problems. Mankind is the problem."


Wtf are you talking about. We contradict our evolution hundreds of different ways. Just because to reproduce you need a male and a female does not mean that same sex relationships are biologically unnatural.


It's normal to be gay, just as normal as it is to be heterosexual. I'm just glad that I've never had to struggle with maintaining the kind of stress it must take to actually sustain such blind hatred for what is essentially something that will never be remedied (as if it is some sort of malaise or scourge)and has always been a part of human sexual behavior.

While raising us, my mother had the sense, the intelligence to teach me that people are just people. That being said, I don't trust any human beings as all. People are awful. My mother didn't have to teach me that fact; I learned it all on my own.

Don't threaten me, Al! You're out of shape, I'll kick your arse.


is it okay to be a serial killer


is it okay to be a serial killer

Is this supposed to be an analogy?

Heaven will be underbooked.


no that was supposed to be a question


How does this question relate to being homosexual?


just answer the question


Its all an opinion on whether it is right or wrong. YOu are not wrong but you are also not right. Saying it is defintely OK and then arguing with someone who is against it is beign jsut as closeminded as it has no basis in fact and merely opinion.


No it's not ok to be a serial killer. Being a serial killer means your behaviour affects others, (in the most negative way possible) Just because it is believed that most serial killers are born sociopaths, and therefore cannot help it does not make it ok.

Being born gay doesn't affect anyone. No one is hurt, no one is killed, no more so than being heterosexual hurts or kills people. Generally when sexual preference is brought into the equation, the only people being hurt or killed are the homosexuals themselves, usually at the hands of bigoted, hateful people.

You're Perfect Yes It's True.... But Without Me You're Only You


Funny how you say there is nothing wrong with being gay, but you go out of your way to make it crystal clear to everyone that you're not, in any way, gay. If there is nothing wrong with being gay, why do you feel the need to qualify your post with this statement?


Sorry but this just doesn't make any sense. I am a male. If i was posting about a female issue and said hey guys first of all i am a man.... Does that mean i think there is something wrong with being a woman. No i am merely stating that i am not part of said group yet i still have an opinion on the matter.

If a black person says racism is wrong 100 years ago no one listens. If a bunch of white person stand up for the cause slavery gets abolished.


Well, the OP had a noble intention but it ended up being either an ignorant statement or himself being more guilty of bigotry than those with differing viewpoints. The initial comment was entirely subjective and he can only determine from his own perspective. After all, who is he to claim there is nothing wrong with it? How is his opinion more valid?

Second, he falsely believes only fundamenaltists believe that homosexuality is wrong/defect/anbormality. People can believe it is abnormal as it comprises less than 2% of homo sapien. They can believe it is a defect as it contradicts the biological purpose for sex as well as a direct/indirect cause of more health problems and the shortest lifespan of any demographic. As for being wrong, it depends of a variety of factors. No one could then say for certain what is right or wrong.

Third, it is a strawman argument to suggest there is some sort of persecution against homosexuals unless you are talking about the middle east. It is not love that is being objected to. Failure to realize that only exposes your own bias. In reality, how can you expect others to view sexual intercourse with the same gender as "love" when it is a physical act?

Had the OP said "Whether you agree with it or not, we should treat one another with civility and respect. I may believe homosexuality ok and you may not. But as long as you maintain a level of decency, we can tolerate one another." Now THAT would be a comment worthy of respect and recognition; not some diatribe of your own justifying one action yet attacking another group (hypocritically) in the same breath.

Sorry for the rant. I just often cannot stand bigots no matter what side of the aisle they are on.

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." - Albert Einstein


When lions start *beep* each other I'll say it's ok. HA HA HA...I'm kidding, ok dolphins...


But they already do. Both lions and dolphins have been observed to form same-sex pairs. In the case of dolphins, pairings they maintined over at least several years.

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


Thanks for your honesty about you having the'schizophrenia' disorder, I wish you luck in dealing with it. With that said, it's worth examining why some 'religious' types seem so homophobic. The bible actually suggests that all gays be put to death. Many religious types base their life philosophies on DOGMA, not logic or 'love' per se. I hope I am making sense here.


Good on you, Scimetar. I applaud your attempt at a positive statement, and groan at the people of all persuasions who've tried to find fault with it in this thread. God, the internet is a barren, burr-filled place at times ...

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.
