Politically Correct

The fact that Tom Hanks' character is from such a loving, supportive, and nonjudgmental family. Most gay people I've ever known came from very dysfunctional families, usually a father that was abusive or weak or both. And a mother that was usually domineering.


And how many gay people have you ever known there little fella? I'm gay, aside from extended relatives who like to think they have a place to judge, my parents, brother, aunts/uncles, and all my cousins have never had an issue with it. I've been out for 11 years now since I was 13. And while there are definitely cases of some kids coming from broken homes, that can go for anyone, gay or straight. It never ceases to amaze me how hard people try to show how ignorant they are, rather than just getting an education.

I'm always dragging that horse around...


Great post! Like you said, anyone can come from a broken home and there may be some select members who are homophobic but the majority are fine (like your family. Hanks' character probably had a few extended relatives who passed wanton judgment upon him).

I'm glad you felt the courage to come out and are comfortable with yourself..that's how it should be (I'm pleased to live in an area of the country where people are very accepting of the GLBT community). In the end, people should realize that, when a friend or family member comes out, nothing else changes about them. They're still the same person you know, except now you realize they happen to be romantically attracted to one from the same gender (and it's not something they can help, as science has demonstrated you're born with your sexuality).

When I wrote in my previous reply that I'm a huge LGBT advocate, even though I'm straight, I obviously didn't imply that it's unnatural for straight people to endorse gay rights. Just to demonstrate how, contrary to some people's beliefs, not everyone who adheres to a pro tolerance platform is gay/lesbian/bisexual/transsexual. My mom's in her early 60s, straighter than an arrow, and has no problem supporting gay marriage along with all other gay rights. Same goes for other people who fit the same description (save for age. I know people from all age groups who have zero problem with the GLBT community. Some are gay, some aren't)

When God made Tom Cruise, he was only joking.



You came out of the closet when you were 13?! You weren't old enough to make that lifestyle choice, yet! Bwahahahaha!


And how old were you when you knew you were straight? I bet you've always known. Well, it's the same for LGBTQ people. 13 is a perfectly normal age to come out.

Also, 'lifestyle'? Sexuality is an aspect of a person's life; not the defining factor.


I don't understand how this constitutes "political correctness". The fact that Demme elected to go for something that was outside the norm on a minute detail over the film, as in his family members who may have all of about 20 minutes of screen time (from your position. I have many gay friends and can't say that the great majority of them have severely flawed parents. Their parents tend to be accepting and very supportive. One I know got married to her partner out here in California this past Summer and her parents wrote very glee induced posts about her union on Facebook), doesn't mean he produced this great picture under the myopic lens that is PC cinema.

I'd understand your position if everyone was on Hanks' character's side. However, that wasn't the case. You see the protests outside the courthouse with one side exuding intolerance and the other professing compassion towards the GLBT community (I'd obviously be on this side as I'm a huge LGBT advocate, even if I'm straight. Both sides, as evidenced by the movie, have roughly equal supporters). There are the scenes as well where the law firm bigots wold mock, tease, utter nasty sentiments about gay people in general, Denzel's character on a couple occasions isn't all that warm/fuzzy towards Hanks' plight (think the moment when he's cooking dinner with his wife. I don't include when Washington's character goes to get his blood checked, as I don't consider that homophobic. He's being proactive and, in 1993, the research still wasn't quite as advanced on treating AIDS, although it made strides from the 1980s. Plus, the knowledge on the spread wasn't as robust either).

When God made Tom Cruise, he was only joking.
