The left wing agenda
It's amazing how I was assaulted by the left wing agenda in this movie. I noticed it as I recall at first when it was mentioned by the FBI or CIA people to the President that they were tracking 10 terrorists that were in the DC area that had blown up 100 abortion clinics, gay and lesbian bars, and porno shops all over the USA.
Of course the movie like all other standard Hollywood liberal fare shows the evil USA government, corrupt President ( unless it's a democrat) , the terrible murdering machine of the FBI and CIA that tracks relentlessly and will murder in cold blood with silencers in public places any citizens "onto them".
In this case it's the left wing press that "saves the USA people from it's evil overlords who want to supply the USA general public and citizens with oil/gasoline ( err.. I mean kill pelicans, endangered wildlife and destroy the environment for money )" ....
Thank our lucky stars for that rebel press that speaks truth to power...gosh we'd all be dead without them by now...right...(errr well, we all are dead from gas prices now since 1`000 pelicans had to land on swamp grass instead of oil pipelines to take a birdy doo - thank you so much - I'm going to take an airboat/x that it uses gasoline/- err sorry- a paddle canoe into the swampland to view the brown pelican -my lifetime dream...)
Then I find out in the racism thread there's a whole no interracial love scene thing that was agreed to, that meant something to certain "communities" fighting some sort battle of skin colors...
Yes, it was wonderful left wing propaganda of the highest order.
Oh, yeah, all the evil people and murderers in the film are white males...because we know they're evil -- white males that is...
Good movie too, in spite of all that.