Bring a Blanket and a Pillow...
This movie is a snore! Stanley Tucci is great, Denzel is adorable and Julie Roberts...well...her acting is stilted. The story, at first intriguing denigrates into silly and the whole plot could have been wrapped up in 45 minutes to an hour. If you are making a movie where great looking actors are hunted by hitmen, at least give the viewer a good twist to hold onto and a horrific villian at the end...not.... I could go on but I wouldn't want to spoil it! My advice? Don't rent it, pull it up while channel surfing and don't sweat that you missed the beginning. "The Pelican Brief" is a "last half hour" movie, (why bother with all of the running when you can just get to the point at the end) and perfect for times when reruns are off the networks or there is just nothing else worth watching.