Greatest Movie

this is by far the best movie i have ever seen. It was pure cinematic brilliance. Including excellent acting and outstanding special effects for its time. Im kind of surprised that it didn't get more attention. Who else agrees?


I thought Nukie did a very good job acting. I wonder if they used a real alien or just made a cyborg using a dead alien and some parts from Radio Shack.

When your horse dies, get off.
Cowboy Proverb


i heard that they actually contacted a NASA engineer and asked him to describe exactly what an alien is most likely to look like. Then the costume was constructed by Stan winston with help from the NASA space department. The special flying effects i think were done by ILM.


Ohhh, he was very pretty. When I saw him I felt like the hand of God had touched me and said "THIS is what aliens look like."

When your horse dies, get off.
Cowboy Proverb


I saw one yesterday and guess what.....IT LOOKED EXACTLY THE SAME!!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!! MUI ENFUIGO


superb acting, especially from that clown doctor dude. that guy has talent. i can be the only one thinkin oscar nomination?


The Academy could never possibly recognize such brilliance.

Quadrants - Quadrants - Extrapolate


Who could forget the great line delivery of Nukie: " I hate this planet, I wish the earth would swallow me whole!". When he says that the beauty of life vanishes from my senses, I only know of meloncholy, and pestilence.

Oh Nukie, you brilliant actor you!


Amen O humble folk...Amen.
