Nukie is the worst film ever made, (with proof)
Nukie is without a doubt the worst film ever created.
awful acting. check.
terrible plot and dialogue. check.
poor editing, camera-work, sound, lighting, etc. check check check.
but what really proves how bad this movie is, is how few people have seen it, or even know that it exists.
first off, there isn't even a wikipedia entry on it, this seems like a stupid point, but really, wikipedia has everything. a movie has to be really, really bad to not be in wikipedia.
even here on imdb it's evident, only 432 total votes, as well as the lack of comments here on the message board. its so bad it couldn't even get more than ten posts about how bad it is.
it's fair to say, Nukie is so bad, you've never even heard of it.
made in the late 80's/early 90s, it seemed to be cashing in on the success of ET, not unlike Mac and Me, but if Mac and Me was the failed business of that cash in; then Nukie was the homeless drunk who couldn't even begin to think of a business. (Nukie is even so bad i must resort to bad analogies.)
damn you Nukie, for making me type this, and damn you for making movies that much worse.