MovieChat Forums > Nowhere to Run (1993) Discussion > If Ryan Gosling was in this, it would be...

If Ryan Gosling was in this, it would be a 7.6 on IMDB

Too much Van Damme hate


If Van Damme had been a better dramatic actor then there wouldn't be any 'hate'. Yes the role was a new thing for him to do but he didn't bring any nuances at all to the part.


Ryan Gosling? are you kidding??


Ryan Gosling is a joke of an actor.

RIP 24 2001-2010
RIP LOST 2004-2010
RIP "THE X-FILES" 1993-2002


The film deserves atleast a 7. Terrific movie.


Ryan Gosling can't shine JCVD's shoes. Few actors can. All Gosling has ever done is make a third rate attempt at pretending to be George Clooney. JCVD made this movie the "classic" that it is. Why he didn't receive an Oscar nomination for this is anybody's guess. And don't forget, having an expert critique the size of your manhood let's you know exactly where you rate. How cool would it be to have JCVD and Emma Stone do a remake of "An Affair to Remember"?


Sign me up for day one of "An Affair to Remember"!!!! JCVD has been perennially denied his due credit by the fancy schmancy awards shows. This man is too much man for one little golden statue.


The title of this post got a chuckle out of me because it's so true.

It's funny how Gosling has so many highly rated movies, but NOBODY goes to see them at the theater. I'm surprised he's still working with all of the box-office-bombs that he's had. The only reason that Drive did well is because a bunch of people thought it would be a Fast and Furious style action movie.

Anyways, Nowhere to Run is one of JCVD's better movies, although that's not saying much.


You're kidding right? Drive was a great movie.


Drive was not a great movie and it didn't do well at the box office. It only grossed 35 mil.

Hell, Nowhere to Run grossed 22 mil and that was in 1993 dollars.

Drive was a relatively small movie with relatively low expectations and the movie had a weird, artsy quality to it that made it distinctive and made it seem smarter than it actually was which has won the flick a cult following.

As for Gosling, he was great back when he was doing movies like The Believer, The United States of Leland, and Half Nelson but his whole sleepy eyed underacting thing is really getting old and he's starting to look like a one trick pony.

A one trick pony that's incapable of selling a movie to a wide audience, hence the weak box office of basically everything he's ever been in.



A low grossing film doesn't mean it was weak at the box office. The gross doesn't matter, the gross compared to investment is what matters.

Drive wasn't supposed to make more than $35 million, as you just said it was an art film. It did very well at the box office.

Gosling doesn't star in cookie-cutter mainstream movies hence he doesn't have a huge box office track record. And when he does do a mainstream film they do well, i.e. Crazy, Stupid, Love and The Notebook. Quality is irrelevant, art films are only going to make so much as wide audiences can't handle them, they're too busy spending $13 on the latest mindless Michael Bay trash.


Drive stunk so bad I had to fumigate my brand new TV.


You need to fumigate your upper lip with all that bulls**t spouting out of your mouth.


Yeah, I enjoyed it.


The stench was overwhelming. More offensive than B-S !


yeah i was about to say the same thing, i just say a picture of the movie unleashed with jet li that movie gota 7.0 rating . and that movie was boring as hell.
and this movie was better and got a 5.2 wtf guys

van damme cant act ?

have you ever seen jcvd ?


This film actually made 55 million dollars.



i just saw a picture of the movie unleashed with jet li that movie gota 7.0 rating . and that movie was boring as hell.

How much action can you possibly want out of a movie? It's all action from the get go until about half an hour in when Morgan Freeman and the girl take him into their home where the movie get's sentimental for a short while until Lee is captured and imprisoned again and all hell breaks loose for about the last half hour. Why do some people want wall to wall action and no story?


Ryan gosling ?? seriously ?? i suppose you think morgan freeman would be perfect for terminator reboot ?

I dont know what ppl (women mostly) see in ryan, hes nothing too special saw a few of his films, he doesnt seem that impressive

I think van damme was perfect for nowhere to run


Gosling may not be a fantastic actor, but he's a helluva lot better than Van Damme.


Wrong. Gosling can't act his way out of a paper bag. Van Damme brings out real emotion. He's charming yet sensitive. Smooth with a sharp edge. Simple yet witty. And like you, gauche yet tactful.


Hahaha your praise of Van Damme is hilarious! Thank you sir, I needed the laughs today ;)



Damn right. To me, Gosling is like DiCaprio. Gosling has been an underacting bore for years, whereas DiCaprio has been an over-acting bore for years. They've given some good performances in their careers alright (never been that impress with Gosling), but "lately" their acting has become self-conscious and yet it's always getting praise beyond belief. Now when it comes to an action star like Van Damme, all I can say is... his acting is indeed underrated. Granted he's been in some generic flicks that require little to no acting, but nevertheless, the guy has always had the capacity to convincingly express emotions. In a word, I find his acting in movies such as Lionheart, Double Impact, Timecop, Maximum Risk, In Hell, and of course JCVD, to be quite effective. Ultimately, I know the "real" actors previously mentioned are two of the most beloved thespians of our time *shudder* so mentioning Van Damme in the same breathe as them is laughable to many. At any event, while Van Damme made a name for himself in action flicks, he could have been great in more dramatic stuff (Nowhere to Run was a good example).

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!


I didn't read but saw the title of the Post.

So if Ryan Gosling hooked up with 1 "real woman" like Eva Mendes, he's considered "straight or masculine....oh no better yet manly" ???

Yeah the sarcasm of the OP does make perfect sense. I just don't see any talent in Ryan. At least Van Damme had to pay some dues to become a "global name".

BTW when I saw Gosling's name in that gangster movie, I wanted to tap out. I knew the world was really going down the drain.


Right. Rumor has it both Gosling and DiCaprio have called JCVD looking for advice on the finer points of acting but JCVD isn't returning those calls.


And he would deliver a much worse performance than Van Damme. Because let's face it as much as the ladies love Ryan Gosling he couldn't deliver a decent performance with a gun held to his head. Even Keanu Reeves is a better actor than Ryan Gosling. I truly hate Ryan Gosling. A man with two facial expressions. Smiling and looking like a moron. Looking serious and looking like a moron. And I hate his stupid beard.



This is really one of his best movies, it had a decent budget and was well shot great music good pacing and solid action. It deserves a much higher score, I give it 7/10!
