About Leland Gaunt

Leland Gaunt is one of my favorites characters created by Stephen King. I loved Max von Sydow's acting in the movie, but I have one question: Were there others actors selected to play Gaunt, like Christopher Lee or Donald Sutherland?


Don't know.
But Christopher Lee would have been great as Leland Gaunt.


When I first heard of this movie, I also heard the name Ed Harris, but I didn't know he played Pangborn at the time. I was sure he would play Gaunt because he would be perfect for it - in my opinion. He has that crazy look in his eyes you can notice in almost any of his movies. They just had to make him a little taller, and a little thinner, and he would be perfect as Gaunt. BUT.. I haven't seen the movie yet, so maybe my opinion will change once I see it - which is in 8 days.



You forgot that Gaunt, in the book, is an old man. Harris was kinda young for playing Gaunt at the time when the movie was filmed.


True. I think I would have realized that if I had watched the film. But still.. I think Ed Harris, even if he's young, would make a good Gaunt.


Except his lack of tallness would have made Al Pacino the perfect Gaunt..!


Well, that's why he was "Gaunt" in the Devil's Advocate.


So true! haha nice call.

Gaunt says he was from Akron Ohio.. I thought that was so funny because I lived in Akron for 5 months, and now am in Cleveland and Gaunt did not seem like anyone I ever met from Akron!!!



I think he lied about coming from Akron. I recall a scene were Pangborn said he
couldn't find any evidence that he lived there (or at least didnt do any buisness there)


Well duh he lied about being from Akron, he just figured it sounded innocent enough. Everyone knows the devil is from Alabama.



And he visits Georgia from time to time.


"He was born of hate, and raised with your twisted ideals. What did you expect from him?"


lol, i was thinking that when i posted but left it out... glad someone helped with the punchline



I also was thinking about Christopher Plummer. I thought the character should have showed more hate & evil than he did. He seemed too harmless even though you know he wasn't.

Don't wander into abandend churches for Czakyr will grab you from underneath the watery grave.


I think that's kind of the point. You don't (or his victims don't) realize how dangerous Gaunt is until it's too late.


Agreed, jbaker1-2.
An evil face is scary, but an innocent face that is actually evil, is scarier.

Wow, I never even thought of Donald Sutherland for a role like this one. I always thought (and still do), that he is a "devilishly" handsome man :) :).


He actually did come from Akron. If you notice his notebook with all the names Akron was listed before Castle Rock. So he did the same thing to Akron as he was trying to do to Castle Rock.


I've lived in Akron briefly, and yeah you can see his mark everywhere

