What's the point

In adapting a movie from a book when things are changed and left out? Most recently Under The Dome :/. I just read Needful Things and am now watching the movie and it's awful :/ Why remove so many characters/scenes that were in the book?? It should have been made into a week long TV show on HBO. Maybe it's something that could still happen *shrugs*


I completely agree. A lot of these Stephen King adaptations seem like the screenwriter is trying to 'trim the fat' and streamline too much, and they end up with the skeleton of a great story, but with none of the "meat" that made it great in the first place. This was a truly lousy attempt, total schlock.


I didn't even read the book and found this movie to be pretty amateur. Chintzy effects, some bad acting and dialogue (the deputy's one-liners were truly lame), and an over the top, eye-rolling ending.

Bad production all around, like a cheap TV movie.



Because a movie has a limited running time. Hardly any book could be adapted successfully for the big screen without changes. The important thing is to find an interpretation which fits the format, which in this case was almost impossible, as the book is just difficult to take serious.

But I agree that a tv show would have suited the content and its rather slow dynamic and multiple plotlines much better.
