Deleted scenes?

When I saw this movie on TV, I thought it was just about one of the funniest movies I'd seen in a long time. But when I rented it, about half of the funny scenes I remember were completely missing. Does anyone know anything about these scenes? Has anyone else noticed a difference between the TV version and the rental/home video version?


Can you say which "deleted scenes" you're talking about ?

reply's been a while since I've seen it, but I remember a couple of them.

One was where the two get in a fight after they bust into the Jon Lovitz room. They fall out the window wrapped up in a sheet. A bunch of people watching the scene are running down the stairs so that they can get outside and see them land. When they get out there, they look up and see the two still falling. One of them comments, "you know, we never would have made it if they weren't falling in slow motion."

Emilio Estevez's character gets shot up like Mel Gibson does in the end of Leathal Weapon 2 (pretty sure it's 2), and Samuel Jackson literally beats the snot out of him trying to make him wake back up. Like putting his hands on his chest and then jumping up and driving both his knees into the dead Emilio yelling "WAKE UP!!"

There are several others, but it's been quite a while since i've seen the edited and unedited versions, so I can't remember which were missing or which were included. But I know those were some of them.


THere's another, and a few more. I posted about this a LONG time ago, and no one replied...:(
Here are a few more scenes:

When Colt is sneaking into Luger's house, he has to get around all these obstacles, like pets, chickens, and the dog. Turns out he's actually carrying the door with him!

Also, when Luger was trying to find a picture of York, he pulled out a bunch of things from his coat, like a ststue, and a portrait.

I would DEARLY LOVE to know if these scenes are on the DVD< but no one either knows, or are inclined to tell anyone else...:(


I just saw this for the first time on TV today, and did see the scenes you mention. Usually if there are scenes in a movie that aren't appropriate for viewers to see, some outtakes are put in to make up for the cut out scenes for time reasons. I can only guess that this is what happened for Loaded Weapon 1, like in Fast Times at Ridgemont High, they totally cut out Brad's masterbating scene and Phoebe Cates infamous tit shot and add a whole bunch of other crap.
BTW I laughed my butt off when from around the pool one guy says, "Lucky they're falling in slow motion or we'd have never seen them" I haven't rented this movie so I don't know what MPAA rating it got or what, if any, might be censored.


These scenes weren't on the DVD. It's a cheap DVD too, i got mine for $5.99 at Best Buy. I really wish these scenes were in the film. Does anyone know where or if they're availible?



I don't know, sorry. But I do know that you got ripped off on the dvd. Paying $5.99?! Are you retarded?! I got mine for $5.88!


OMG, Best Buy is a ripoff. I baught mine for 4.95

Ladies Ladies Ladies, JAY & SILENT BOB ARE IN THE HIZILLZ!!!!!!


actually, those newly added scenes probably had to do with taking up a two hour timeslot on TV. I remember watching the naked Gun movies and then seeing them on TV and the television version would have many scenes that I had never seen before like continuations of a scene, extra dialogue..etc.. It has to do with that when movies are televised with a really small running time(both this movie and the Naked Gun movies were a little less than 90 minutes) there had to be new scenes added in order to take up the time slot.


There's also a hilarious "Ghost" Parody, towards the end, that was cut out, too.



I bought mine for $3.88.

All of us are searching for an open arm
And it's a shame how I curl up in the dark


I got mine for £4.99
i noticed some missing scenes while watching the DVD aswell.


Haha you all got riped off! i got mine FREE with a bucket of chicken at KFC. Seriously (thank you canada!)



Did it have those good scenes also? You know the delated scenes


Wow, I WANT TOO SEE THOSE SCENES! That sounds hilarious.

I've always wondered this:

on the back of my VHS Tape there's a picture of Luger (Samuel L. Jackson) fully dressed in a pool with toy ducks. Is that another deleted scene? If so, can you describe what happens in it?

Please post all the other things missing from the official release.


I saw the version with a lot of the discussed deleted scenes on TBS about a year ago. It had the slow-mo falling scene, the walking around with the door scene, the one where Samuel L. Jackson is trying to wake up Colt (violently!) and the whole Ghost spoof. There were a few other scenes that stuck out, however: one where (I believe outside the Wilderness Girls factory) Colt is shooting a whole bunch of targets and wins a prize (like at a carnival); also earlier in the movie Luger shows up at Whoopi Goldberg's house and there's a whole scene on the street about it being all blocked up; also when Colt and Luger are in the Police chief's office and are being given their assignment they have their time period allowed for solving the case decided by this huge spinning wheel (like wheel of fortune) on the wall...

... darn it, there was another one that I can't remember. As for Luger in a pool with toy ducks, that I'm not sure about.

If anyone ever figures out if a DVD copy exists with these scenes reinserted, or available in a deleted scenes menu, please post it. I have loved this movie since it came out and was blown away to see the deleted scenes on the TV release, and would love to have a copy.



I've watched this movie on TV about 4 times (it's one of my all-time favorites). The first time, all those scenes were included. The last three, they weren't. I bought the movie on VHS with the hope that I would get the whole shebang, but unfortunately, they weren't on the tape either. If anyone finds out where I can get the full version, I really appreciate it.


JimboTheBrit (MSN addy [email protected] Feel free to add me!)



Dude, I got mine at Wal-Mart for 8.88, cuz it was a twofer w/ Senior trip on the other side of the disc........ NO deleted scenes!
Last time I saw it on TV, though, I do remember seeing the Colt in Luger's house with the door.... pretty pissed when it wasn't on the DVD!


I remember another quick scene that was deleted.

Emilio Estevez gets pushed or otherwise thrown backwards over a desk. He stands back up, but then falls over the desk behind them. The big reveal is when they show that he has a HUGE line of desks to fall over, and he keeps falling over them.

I thought it was pretty funny.


I would pay a $100 to get a hold of those scenes!
I have been trying to find them for awhile, with no luck. I even tried to tape a tv version, but ti was the wrong version. I have never even seen it since a year ago, when i was lucky enough to catch the ghost parody LOL SOOOO FUNNY!
