5.4 overall!!! come on people

Look, I know this movie seems to be a ripoff from the Zucker/Abrahams/Zucker type films that really established this type of humor, but c'mon. This movie is great. If nothing else..the scene where Erik Estrada shoots at the guy to get his attention should gain this movie at least a 7.5 overall. As far as spoofs go, this is one of the best I've ever seen.



I have the three things women want - I'm smart and sexy! :)



Yeah, I agree! Loaded Weapon 1 is one of the best spoof movies ever made. Just think about it.. Emilio Estevez and Samuel L. Jackson in their best parts ever! Absolutely brilliant!! I can't get enough of this movie!

"WHAT? You went over my helmet?"


Best National Lapoon movie


One of my alltime fav movies. Its good to cheer you up when your down, cos its just madness!


i seen this movie over 100 times since it first came out, and I haven't stop laughing, everytime I think of that movie ort see that movie I'm always LMAO, I love this movie, one of my all-time favs, I love spoofs, this has to be one of the best


It's one of the last funniest National Lampoon movies that actually parodied stuff instead of making unoriginal Sex jokes (Look at Blackball, Adam & Eve, Van Wilder, actually, do not look at them) I love this movie, I wish critics had not of looked at it so hard and think that the jokes were not funny.

I personally laughed at this and the "Vacation" movies harder than anything else National Lampoon has to offer. They really need to drop the Gross Sex jokes and come back with something truly funny, otherwise, "National Lampoon" in the future will probably be synonomous with "Terrible, gross, annoying movies with plots designed with Pornographic ideals based on the reasoning that Teenage Boys can't afford adult films and internet is not enough".

This is a great movie, albeit, old, but still classic and enjoyable.

Bossa Nova Awesome!


It's odd that the vast majority of posts on the board seem to be from people who love it, yet the average is as low as it is. Usually the consensus opinion on the board more closely corresponds to the average rating.



In Sicily, Woman Are More Dangerous Than Shotguns
