It's one of the last funniest National Lampoon movies that actually parodied stuff instead of making unoriginal Sex jokes (Look at Blackball, Adam & Eve, Van Wilder, actually, do not look at them) I love this movie, I wish critics had not of looked at it so hard and think that the jokes were not funny.
I personally laughed at this and the "Vacation" movies harder than anything else National Lampoon has to offer. They really need to drop the Gross Sex jokes and come back with something truly funny, otherwise, "National Lampoon" in the future will probably be synonomous with "Terrible, gross, annoying movies with plots designed with Pornographic ideals based on the reasoning that Teenage Boys can't afford adult films and internet is not enough".
This is a great movie, albeit, old, but still classic and enjoyable.
Bossa Nova Awesome!