Funniest Lines..
Johnny: That's my friend Eddie. He's a dick but I like him.
Eddie: You just get the hell away from my arm!
Johnny: I'm dead.
Dr. Bronson: Okay well your dead, which is unusal because we usually don't see this much activity in a dead person.
Maggie The Zombie Expert: It's hard to say an arm, a leg, a stomach... it's not an exact science.
Girl In Library: Back off dead boy!
Eddie: Colleges look at this sort of thing.
Missy: OMG how could you?! You ate Chuck.
Little Chuck: Daddy, that dead man tried to eat me.
Big Chuck: Shut up you little zombie slut!
Eddie: You can kiss that calf muscle good bye fat man... ugh.
Shelly the Nurse: I can't watch.
Dr. Bronson: The chicken feels no pain.
Dr. Bronson: There's a mob out there that wants to kill you, but I need to kill you more.
Mrs. Dingle: Do something.
Shefiff McCloud: Okay light up the zombie.
**My Personal Favorite**
Murray the Grave Digger: Would you have died for her?
Sheriff McCloud: Of course.
Murray: Would you have come back from the dead for her??
Sheriff: I don't know.
Murray: Would you have eaten someone to be with her???
Sheriff: No.