Bridges Restaurant: Did anyone else notice something funny about the table where Miranda and her family were seated?
Did anyone else notice anything funny about the way table 39 was set up from beginning to end? I don't know know what it is, but it's almost like stadium seating for everyone else and the people sitting in table 39 are the stage, on stage, everything can be facing them in a moment of seconds; and with a simple tilt of the head, everyone in the restaurant from the hostess, the cooks and kitchen, the smoking section, the nonsmoking section, other customers and staff can be viewing them like a stage, with the exception of the people in the bathroom of course. I don't know if in the past, the owners of Bridges had so much trouble, good or bad luck when they seat people right there so naturally when they see a family that looks like they may be trouble or mayhem so that the whole restaurant can watch the drama unfold, but know you this; everybody in the restaurant had a front row view of everything that happened in table 39 from beginning to end, from Mrs. Doubtfire falling off the chair, her teeth falling into the glass of wine, Stu choking and needing the Heimlich maneuver, and of course, Daniel getting unmasked followed by Miranda's meltdown. Maybe it's me. Maybe it's just me.