Quotes game time!!!

My fav:

Officer: Yo, Mike! Your up!
Mike: Five more minutes, mom!


Wayne: How's the coffee?
Glory: It's so rich I can't believe it's instant!


Don't remember the exact line so I'm paraphrasing but it's something like "life is what happens while you're waiting for your ship to come in"


*beep* so dead. Dead all over."



What? I didn't realize IMDb were such prudes, especially considering they even list porn. A better approximation of the quote then the beep they so kindly supplied me with above would be "Mother lover's so dead. Dead all over."


"Don’t ever ever *beep* with me, don't ever lie to me, disrespect me, underestimate me .. if you do your life becomes a raging sea. But, come to me as man .. come to me eyes open, head up, hand out then I’ll become more than a friend, more than a shoulder ... then I’ll become the expeditor of your dreams"



I like it when Frank and Wayne are sitting on the stoop while the fight is going on upstairs and Frank starts singing, "She don't love you....". I've been singing that lately to pass the time.



Wayne: It's the first time I pulled out my gun in 15 years. I pissed on myself.
Mike: You know why? Because you're a sensitive, intelligent indivdual.
Wayne: You ever piss on yourself?
Mike: Look, I would'a walked in there and drilled the red-eyed little bastard, and that's just the way I am. On the other hand, if I ever had an intelligent thought, I would die a lonely guy. It all evens out, you know what I mean?


My fav was...wait a minute, I didn't have a favorite quote. There weren't any good ones.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, or doesn't.
