Jennifer Aniston...
First off, let me just state here that I’m not a huge fan of aniston’s movies… but I do like her alot. I am however, a fan of horror/thriller genre and wanted to watch this movie for a long time… I didn't think it was too bad actually, for a 90s picture anyway!
As for Aniston’s acting, considering she did this movie BEFORE getting famous, I think she did a pretty good job! She seemed confident throughout the movie. Her screams and scares weren’t over the top, which sadly has become a staple of all the horror movies nowadays. It makes it cheesy rather than believable and kinda annoying IMO.
Did anyone else thought Jen looked really cute in this?? Loved her long brown hair. I did think she was a bit too skinny… but maybe that’s how she was throughout the 90s!!! Personally, like her more now with that AMAZING body she’s rockin these days… much more attractive!! She doesn’t look much different either now except for the blonde hair… I mean I don’t see any drastic surgical changes in her features and I’m actually surprised at how well she’s ageing… doesn’t look a day over 30-32!
I could also see hints of her funny/witty side in this character, which she so obviously is good at as we know now, but I just wish that she would try something different you know... “The good girl” is a proof she can be a serious actress, not that there’s anything wrong in doing rom coms but seeing her in a drama or a horror flick maybe, or even a hard core action movie would be amazing!!!!