In the real world in New York City at the movie theater. Bolo and Andre get away. Jack Slater and that boy come out of the screen. Danny Madigan shows up. The villains have disappeared. They go onto the streets of NYC all 3 of them. There are muggers with clubs. Jack Slater grabs onto the clubs. He has the 2 muggers bang into each other. Jack Slater throws kicks and punches onto those muggers.
Jack Slater with Danny Madigan go to the apartment of the boy taken in by that boy himself. They meet with his parents.
Somewhere else Jack Slater with the teen and Danny Madigan go out into the city on search for the villains. Andre is looking to bring back villains from earlier Jack Slater movies to Bolo. They go after the film archives.
There should be the celebrities like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jean-Claude Van Damme at the gathering. The villains are going after Arnold Schwarzenegger. Jack Slaters asks for Danny to take that 13-year-old boy back to the theater. Jack Slater has a gun fight with Andre Rumford. He escapes. There’s Jack Slater fighting Bolo. Jack Slater ends up breaking Solo’s neck as he’s really trying to kill him. Jack Slater has a rooftop battle with Andre Rumford at this theater on the edge. There’s martial arts kicks and punches onto Jack Slater. Danny and that boy show up. Jack Slater uppercuts Andre Rumford. They are fighting physically. Jack Slater throws Andre Rumford off the roof. He says “no sequel for him”. There should be the big mistake line in this film. They are heading back to the theater. Jack Slater is getting too old for this. Danny fires up the projector holding the magic ticket that was his as a kid. Jack Slater goes back into his world. Jack Slater states he’s too old for those stunts.
Jack Slater meets up with the Captain as the movie is played later on. He back into retirement leaves the headquarters of LA PD.
Other fans could write in action and comedy ideas. There could be cameos of celebrities of the 2010’s and 2020’s. Jack Slater is driving off into the day as the boy sits at the seat with Danny present in the very end.