I would probably not go into any horror or action movies for fear of getting killed. I might go into the movie Indian in the Cupboard and steal the cupboard and the key. Then I would bring all my action figures to life and watch them beat the crap out of one another.
"Never rub another man's Rhubarb!" Joker/Jack Nicholson from Batman
Of course, tons of stuff after that (I'd go into Harry Potter with a twelve gauge shotgun and blow away Voldemort and probably Harry too). But first...the porn.
take voldemort out of the Harry potter movie and put him in the Care Bears movie or one of the Barbie movies. then hide the ticket and sit back and watch.
A lot of movies would probably be terrible places to go to. Imagine having to live through the Alien movies, The Thing or one of the SAW movies. It would be pretty bleak. Even Star Wars and Star Trek would be bad because you'd probably end up getting killed off as an extra in the first few reels.
But if I could chose, there might be a couple I'd try.
Aladdin: Get the genie lamp, wish to have all the magical powers and knowledge of a genie without actually becoming one, then come back to reality as a god. The Matrix: Just because cyberspace is so frigging cool and you could use the Construct to make anything. The Usual Suspects and The Sixth Sense: Just to be a spoilering a-hole and ruin the big twists for both movies.
I'd have to say, the adult movies would probably become a regular past-time for anyone with that ticket, real movies wise though; -The village, i'd go in with a gun and just shoot the 'monsters'. That'd shorten the amount of time you'd have to sit through that crap. -Pulp Fiction, just to find out whats in the box. -The matrix, upload me some cool fighting moves, some GCSE's, A-levels, degrees, different languages, quantum physics and other helpful subjects (my pub quiz team will rock) -LOTR, either i'd advise gandolf to take the ring via eagle, or just pop into sarumans tower, blow him up with his bomb, light the mountain fire things, and watch as Minas tirith holds its walls by having 3 times the amount of troops and a ready defence. -Alien, my greatest fear, and aslong as I stick near to ripley, my greatest accomplishment in surviving the onslaught. -Random Sci-fi films, just to steal cool technologies.
If Little Red Riding Hood shows up with a bazooka an a bad attitude I expect you to chin the bitch
I'd go into Titanic, sink the ship and end that god-awful film a few hours early.
Or, maybe, go into Citizen Kane and explain to all the character what "Rosebud" actually meant. Hell... Why not just go in and spoil the end of all films?
I'd get into The Matrix, then I'd get into the matrix (as in the program). Then when I was in the matrix, I'd go to a cinema and go into Last Action Hero. Then, once I was in Last Action Hero, I'd try to get into Terminator 2 starring Sylvester Stallone. Confusing? Man, I'm lost just thinking about it.
First, Predator, steal the mini-gun from the bald black dude. Next, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, in the Graveyard scene, use the mini-gun on Voldy, his cronies, and Harry. Lots of lifes would be saved that day.
Abandon all hope ye who enters here -Dante's Divine Comedy
I'd go into Last Action Hero where they are in the video store and steal the movie Terminator 2 starring Stallone then come back into my world and watch it. I wonder what it would be like? Probably not as good as Arnold. I can't imagine Sylvester Stallone saying, "Hasta Lavista, Baby!"
"Ray the Sponges migrated about a foot and a half." Peter Venkman, Ghostbusters 1
Would probably go into some movie where you can undergo some treatment and get imba powers, like Fantastic four to the space shuttle, or spider man and get bit by the spider. :P Or into a vampire movie, and get uber powers like a vamp.
oooooo, i would go into movies like spiderman 3, and get the symbiote,and back to the future and get the hoverbord :D, imagine getin the loki mask from the mask, so mucth choice, lol