"Spared no expense"

I assume thousands of fans have pointed this out already... but for Hammond to be bragging the entire beginning of the movie that he 'spared no expense' in the park, he actually comes across as cheap regarding staffing in the control-computing-center thing where Nedry worked at... not only was he 'under paying him' but he barely had anyone working there.

At least if you are going to be understaffed pay the workers you do have handsomely.

I do think regardless of pay Nedry would have taken a bribe though... but maybe his asking price would have been higher if he was well paid and Biosyn wouldn't have been able to afford it.


Honestly?? I'm surprised Hammond didn't get munched by his own creation??


Really? In the book he does but he's more immoral and greedy there. In the movie he is more sympathetic and realizes his park doesn't work. In the book he thinks his park can work even after most of his staff have been killed by velicoraptors.
