It probably will be, eventually.
Look at this other films and the years they were selected by the Library of Congress:
Jaws (1975) selected 2001 (26 years later)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) selected 2007 (30 years later)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) selected 1999 (18 years later)
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) selected 1994 (11 years later)
Saving Private Ryan (1998) selected 2014 (16 years later)
Schindler's List (1993) selected 2004 (11 years later)
Jurassic Park was released 23 years ago, and it took both Jaws and Close Encounters longer than that to be selected. Admittedly, the library only began in 1989, but it still held out on those two for quite a while, suggesting their cultural significance grew steadily over decades.
I imagine Jurassic Park will be selected in the next few years. In terms of pop cultural success I think it's up there with King Kong and Star Wars, and the huge recent success of the Jurassic World shows its impact is still felt today.