chinese translation

What is it that the young An-Mei is yelling at Second Wife during her mother's funeral, before she breaks the pearls? It isn't translated....


She says "GET OUT! GET OUT!" or simply "Get lost"


Oh, thank you. I have wondered about that for years.


Well, technically, it was probably more along the lines of, "Get the *beep* out." It's not quite as rude, but it is a very forceful word, and it is definitely not used to show respect. For instance, it is the word a parent would use to kick their kid out of the house, if that helps.

Gothic Author


For YEARS this has been my favorite scene in the movie... I do not speak Chinese, and I was a little disappointed that this particular part was not subtitled... it only makes it moreso my favorite scene once again to finally know the general meaning behind it!
