A Father's Day Special

Pete Postlethwaite's Giuseppe Conlon has made my list of favorite movie dads from cinema history. Check out where he ranked:

http://thismovieguy.blogspot.com/2012/06/favorite-film-fathers-fathers -day.html


Good choice, however, you made a small mistake there with Giuseppe Conlon: He wasn't convicted of being part of the Guildford 4, he was accused of & convicted of being a member of the Maguire 7.

Gerry, his friend Paul Hill, & 2 others who were boyfriend & girlfriend were accused & convicted of being the Guildford 4, meaning that the police believed that they were the ones who planted the bomb in the pubs in Guildford.

Giuseppe was accused along with Gerry's aunt & her family of making the bombs that exploded the pubs.

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make your signature!


Great list! I loved it!

I would also include:

- Giacinto Mazzatella, played by Nino Manfredi in "Brutti, Sporchi e Cattivi" (1973)
- Alexander, played by Joseph Erlandsson in "Offret" (1986)
- Uxbal, played by Javier Bardem in "Biutiful" (2010)
- Harry Mitchell, played by Jack Thompson in "The Sum Of Us" (1994)
