Why and how??

How could any judicial system in ANY country convict a man of a bombing when they had no evidence, other then a signed confession that that man made under extreme mental duress?? They had no evidence, so physical evidence anyhow. They only had the police as witnesses, the same police who tortured him into confessing a crime he didn't do.
So lets say that maybe Gerry did plant the bomb. How could the cops have arrested and convicted Gerry's dad and Aunt when there as no physical evidence. I know that a confession is better then any physical evidence, but doesn't a court system need that physical evidence?? Wasn't there that guy awhile back who confessed to the murder of Jon Bene Ramsey, but because there was no actual physical evidence, they let him go?? That Prevention of Terrorism Act was abused so badly that I just couldn't believe it. The cops were just arresting people for no reason, holding with for 7 days, while abusing them physically and mentally just to get a confession. Then at the end of the movie, it said that no police were charged, nor were the real bombers. What the heck!!!!???? How corrupt is that??!!??!! Unfortunatly that even happens here. I read a story about in the Readers Digest from 2004 about this guy who was falsey accused of murdering his cousins. Thanks God he didn't go to jail, but he had to endure several hours of interrogation by the cops. I also saw a crime documentary about these two boys being accused of murdering one of the boys' sister. The cops interrogated him so badly that he actually thought he killed her. Then there's a Kelly Martin tv movie where she gets accused of killing her mother and sister in a fire when she was only 10. She escapes years later and finds the real murderer, but that does not escuse the fact that even a child sometimes gets accused and convicted of a crime. I haven't heard of any recently, but I do know that many years ago, these two boys, I think they were under 10, were falsey accused of raping a girl. I think they were 8. This movie just goes to show how corrupt any judicial system is. No matter where it is in the world.


on the other hand maybe they did it.

It could be that they did it and that they lied in claiming to have been tortured, just as the film lied in its telling of the 'truth'...... it could all be lies, who knows.

Terrorists are known to lie you know.


no one gives a *beep* what you think you orange bastard


How can you possibly think that after watching the movie? The powers in the government always have and always will do whatever it takes, despite how illegal, to get what they want and they have NO PROBLEM *beep* up countless lives in the process

i have been studying government corruption, specifically the U.S., and it is unbelievable what you find out from independent research and not from the propaganda mainstream news channels


I saw a film documentary produced by Sean Penn titled Witch Hunt. It was about a group of people in te early 80s arrested & imprisoned for molesting children. Apparently the cops & the DA manipulated the children into giving a false statement, they lead them on & planted these ideas in them. Watching that harrowing documentary reminded me of the Spanish Inquisition or the witch hunting in that movie The Crucible. The impact these false allegations & subsequent imprisonment had devastating & long lasting psychological effects on the accused. It was horrible & unbelievable, I cannot imagine being in these people's shoes. I recommend you look for & watch that fantastic documentary, very revealing & enlightening.

Also, I believe that such mistreatment & miscarriage of justice is still quite prevalent, you hear many stories of the mistreatment of the Muslims after 9/11 happened. Innocent people left & right taken & put in concentration camps, tortured, what a scarey place we live in.

OPEN YOUR EYES! dailymotion.com/video/xbi2hi_1993-chandler-molestation-extortion_news


The Brits were scumbags back in those days.Similar to what the african americans went through in the US in the 1960s. The brits have treated the Irish like *beep* for the past 800 years. Try to imagine all the hardship and torture the brits did to us over that length of time.


The British establishment didn't treat the working classes in their own country that much better.


yes its incredibly sad to see how corrupted the police can be and how many innocent people were terated that way.

this film just gave another argument to my belifs against torture, anyone can confees anything to stop the pain and to save the people they love.

it can also cause indirect death.
like this film shows if the judge could he have sentenced the four to death penalty so that would have mean 11 people unafirly murdered.

seems like the first judge also had something personal against, how could he just belived one testimony of a cop who used torure to hear a false confession.

but like you say these things happen everywhere there is a mexican documentary abouta young guy who is acussed for murder just for being close to the place of the incident where was someone was murdered.

seriously some people should pay more attention to avoid these incidents where innocent people pay for crimes they have nothing to do with.


Thats how it works when a powerful government wants something, especially when it has anything to do with "terrorism"

The U.S., England and other countries have all passed countless laws that take away every right you have if you are even suspected of being a terrorist which can easily be lied about, that is how the powers work, they will arrest you with no evidence and illegally torture for as long as they want b/c they can and none of the powerful people will ever get in trouble, a number of people in Guantanamo Bay have already been proven innocent but they were still held there and tortured for days on end b/c the establishment said they were terrorists

in fact this past year a CIA member just came out and exposed illegal torture programs his agency was doing ... the only person that got arrested was him for 3 years for simply exposing the powers, they actually charged him for treason as an enemy of the state that would have gotten him life in jail similar to the movie

if they want to go to war in a country for purely their own benefits, as in take the country's resources, put in a new regime that will doing everything you ask, and make millions in money through their ties to the Arms Industry, Oil Companies etc.

they will either make up a false flag (staged terrorist attack by the CIA) or eggregiously lie and falsify evidence to everyone including the U.N. to get their approval even tho thousands of their citizens will die as a result, THEY DO NOT CARE

as for false flags, its not a conspiracy theory, the U.S. has already admitted to doing one to trick the world and its people into going into war in Vietnam, the CIA and Eisenhower worked together to fake a terrorist attack that some of their naval ships were shot down off the coast of vietnam ... they have admitted to staging all of it after documents that proved it were found and released by a whistleblower, 58,000 Americans died in that war ...

when the powers want something, they get it, its that simple, they have all the resources, ties and corruption to do it, thats why they were able to get all those innocent people charged for the bombings that had nothing to do with it

as someone who only started studying government corruption a year ago, I highly recommend you start doing some independent research as well, it opens your eyes wide open on the actual world we live in
