MovieChat Forums > In the Name of the Father (1994) Discussion > Same thing happening in USA nowadays

Same thing happening in USA nowadays

History repeats itself. An Arab chemical engineering graduate student arrested and sent for life when he bought some chemicals for his thesis research. Guantanamo was filled with innocent people physically and mentally abused without a trail.

The US authorities keep inventing BS terrorist cases to convince the public that they're in safe hands, and keep their funding going.





justice systems all over the world operate this way. USA, UK, and just about every country with a legal system coerce people when they need a perp.


Same thing happening all over the globe nowadays.


Well terrorism is terrorism and the IRA were slaughtering innocents just like today's terrorists, different reason, same terrible effect on the population.
On 9/11 the hijackers flew themselves and others into buildings - the only difference is that the IRA used to kidnap some poor worker and hold his family hostage before strapping him into his lorry with a bomb and forcing him to drive into a police station

Both despicable.




So that makes it ok to imprison innocent people and torture them then?

Never mind the fact that terrorism is usually the result of government imperialism meddling in foreign affairs.

~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.


You are a spastics *beep* dripping


If terrorism in N. Ireland by the IRA is so horrible why don't you just give their country their freedom? Why continue to colonize and mistreat them?

Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel
