I am using the word "colored" only as a quip against the word "white". I am doing this for two basic reasons: 1. the Irish call themselves "the blacks of Europe", and 2. they are the only "white" people treated like the rest of the world (colonized).
That being said, do you agree with the statement? I can't imagine anyone who would disagree. The Irish are the only "white" ethnic group that were colonized, that were butchered, and treated like sh*t. The British created policies so that way situations like the Famine could occur. The British often practiced colonial practices on Ireland before "outsourcing" it to the rest of the World.
I think it is safe to say the Irish can "pass" (ha, a subversive use of the racist term) as one of the rest of us, don't you? ;)
Mmmmmmm BFB, I knew it!!!!!! I really don't think we'd get on some how. But I'm so pleased I arouse you!!! You like being domineered then??? A real woman to take control?? Eh???
You ask too many personal questions too early!!!!
''There are no coincidences only patterns we do not see...''
I've just turnrd 32 BFB... Yes, I agree your infantile posts would suggest your significantly younger.. Where are you from as it could be a problem... Do tell me... PVC I've recently stopped wearing it as it chafes. I'm intrigued as to why you have this Bad Attitude towards women or is it all a front......I guess it's the latter.
Or maybe you like really scummy women like SpiderRat?????
''There are no coincidences only patterns we do not see...''
Can you tell him to stop using the copycat user name that he's created of me? it's called "fanfan3941". Please tell him to just stop all of this nonsense he's been doing, it's getting very annoying and its upsetting a lot of people. Thank you.
Wow, what a strong argument. How am I going to come back on that one?
YOU stated that Ireland worships the US, yet fail to give any examples to prove your point. But you go nuts when someone says thats not true. Then you question what world THEY live on? HAH thats rich!
Try searching with the keywords "shannon", "us air force", "protest". Nitwit
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No, I was wrong. You've both proved it so with your highly developed logic. The Irish are completely ambivalent towards America. No photos of various Kennedy's in thousands of homes and bars. Minister's stay at home on 17 March. Indeed, as the "shannon", "us air force", "protest" categorically proves, the Irish hate America.
What an absorbing, fascinating discussion (sic) that was.
are you Irish? no I thought not you are more then likely some pathetic plastic paddy who thinks everyone in Ireland offers up worship to your fat joke of a country now please shut your mouth before someone comes along and rams a hotdog up your fat american arse
I do not know who that was trying to insult as I am not Irish or American, but English. I detest nothing more then you unionists trying to call yourself british when you are infact a bunch of backward looking imperial leftovers who we should of shot long ago and I am glad the IRA done what we were going to do anyway because we do not want Northern Ireland.
Now cobble along you british-wannabe mick because we english have more respect for the Irish then we would have for a bunch of inbreds who THINK they are british.
Well It seems my friend was correct in informing me that a very loud and obnoxious troll was pawing around on this board. Good to see really as persons such as yourself do bring color to the world. Differing points of view and all that.
[I ask you people, is there any better sport in life than baiting the Irish and the Americans?, ]
Interesting, Didn't you say your Family is from A. Dublin, B. Belfast, and C. Derry ( note: in true Plastic Paddy fashion I have chosen Derry over London derry) I daresay my friend your place of birth and lineage make you a son of erin. So if you are to be takin the piss of Irish people then you are yanking yourself around as well.
Now dont fret lad as you are obviously in pain as to who you are and how you feel about it. I believe there is a group or two that can help you with that. Your philosophy and out look are just the enlightened viewpoints these organizations are looking for. Try your local DUP office, or perhaps you might find some nice cuddly understanding souls in the UVF. In either case I'm really not caring about your pitiful whining self.
You're Irish, not British, get over it or get on with it.
My maternal grandparents were born in Norwich, England and Edinburgh, Scotland; paternal both in Dublin, Ireland (incidentally, under the British Crown, so they were British at birth). I was born in Northern Ireland, UK. I have a British passport. So what nationality do you say I am?
I consider myself British first, Irish second. You know, like many claim to be American first, Irish second - or vice-versa (what's good for the goose...). I dislike the centuries backward-looking Irish Republican mentality, and choose to live in forward-looking London where I am welcomed without any prejudice or ill-feeling (contrary to an earlier reply to me).
Is this getting too complicated for you? Clearly everything is so black and white in your world, no room for grey. You're either one thing or something completely opposite, nothing inbetween. And all the rules apply to everyone else. Thought of taking up holy orders?
The former largely a nation of bitter, backward-looking, religiously-retarded and dogmatic alcoholics, the latter mostly a nation of historically ignorant, arrogant and (increasingly) fundamentalist sheep. But, specifically, combined as mostly revisionist Irish-Americans they may just be the most useless contribution to human development and advancement this world has ever seen.
I find it very laughable that the user later actually tries to say that it wasn't racism he just posted because his dad was born in Dublin. WTF?? Thats like me saying `I hate black people` and then when people call me a racist I simply say thats not true because my father is black! LOL.
The guy is obviously a Flamebaiter/Troll. But it matters little, as his racist insults will be removed from the board anyway. (Along with his account if the admins deem it as gross racism)
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Not dissimilar to signs that can still be found in all manner of establishments in America, a country worshipped in Ireland. Hypocrisy?
You lot really are full of ignorant and ill-educated rubbish.
"no irish" signs still in america? WHAHAHA... liar. If that was true those "establishments" would be sued to the last penny in a heartbeat.
a country worshipped in Ireland. Hypocrisy?
So because a portion of the american population used NINA signs in the past that means that the Irish are hypocrites for liking the US?????? Good point!
That means that japan cant be on friendly terms anymore, because americans of japanese ancestry where interned during ww II in the US. Same goes for the Italians. Hell I think that GB should stop kissing the US's ass because of the US war of independance, in which Loyalist americans where treated with "brutally".
The dutch cant be friendly anymore with the germans because of wwII The belgians cant be friendly anymore with the dutch because of the belgian war of independance.
Persons Like kinsella have their own interpretation of Living up North.
Once you hear a Northerner call County Derry 'LondonDerry' thay says it all really!! *true*
He may have a 'British' passport but he lives on the Island of 'Ireland' currently owned by Queen Lizzie on a piece of paper.
I know many 'Northerners' who claim themselves to be 'Irish' regardless of having a British passport or living in Belfast, Derry or any part of the Northern Ireland.
I've lived in UK with friends and have been accepted by English without problems. Basically me and my friends were.....welcomed without any prejudice or ill-feeling And why not???
As I said people like Kinsella have their own interpretation of being from 'Northern Ireland' regardless of having parents from the Republic'!!!!
Kinsella made his own choice/decision whatever you want to call it!!!
''There are no coincidences only patterns we do not see...''
Hi LouthChick, Yeah I know the guy is a troll. He also has made his particular, or should I say peculular ( spelling ) decision as to where he thinks he is. I simply was pointing out that he is using foolish arguments to make his case.
Now as to Derry, I have always called it that. My friend from West Belfast does as well but then again he is of nationalist bent so it goes with the thinking I guess. Actually I have a question for you if you would'nt mind answering.
My friend from Belfast has a relative in England who has invited him over for a stay. I told him he should go and check it all out but he was concerned that his nationalist viewpoint might cause some trouble. ( He's not a supporter of the IRA )****
Anyway, as you seem to have had a good experience I wonder could you tell me " what does one say when the topic of nationalism comes up in England? " He's a good lad just doesn't want to cause trouble is all.
If I were in England I wouldn't go mouthing off as I am not stupid!!!
But I would argue a point if necessary, definatly!!!
If I were in a pub lets say and the end of the night came and say they were playing the ''British National Anthem'' I would stand up out of respect!!! (Not because I wanted to) I am in their country and I would expext them to do the same in mine.
I have myself been in that situation and I stood and my UK friends have done the same here.
The best thing to do is not to talk about politics or those negative feelings elsewhere!!!
''There are no coincidences only patterns we do not see...''
Thanks, Louth Chick. I spoke with my friend last night and he's gonna go. He is going to try and keep a low profile as much as possible. He has family to help him get along so I'm happy for him. I honestly believe that it will be great for him to experience. I can't say as I personally have ever had any desire to go to England, but then again I have not had any reason either. However, politics aside, I think that for my mate to go and see the everyday people, will be enriching for him and hopefully give him more perspectives as to his beliefs.
Sooo HotRodder, you would'nt be someone I used to talk with from England now would You? Your style looks the same is all. If you are not please dont take offence, I just used to have some lively debates with her on the Barley board a while back and she wrote much like you do.
If you're talking about a race of people being butchered and colonised, then I would say that you are definitely and completely wrong in your statement. In fact, if you checked your history you would see that the English themselves were twice invaded, conquered, slaughtered and ruled by both the Romans, and the Normans.
Now I know you really are full of crap, MouthChick. Trying to portray yourself as if you would honour the Her Majesty and Her Subjects so gallantly and respectfully despite what you clearly think of your cousins (that’s right) and everything they stand for. Yes, the national anthem is played in pubs all the time in Britain - and everyone dutifully rises to their feet.....in cloud cuckoo land, that is. You must be confusing the real Britain with some stereotypical Hollywood movie complete with the obligatory quaint vicar, lovable idiot (i.e. Huge Grant), stick-wielding bobbies on the beat atop old black bicycles, and red telephone boxes. And of course, a handsome/pretty American who strides in to change everyone’s lives for the better…..
I could not think of anything less likely to happen in a mainland-British public place these days than rising en masse for a rousing rendition of God Save The Queen, including in a public house, apart from during state functions and official occasions such as Remembrance Sunday, when we celebrate Britain and (most) of Her Commonwealth standing up against mass-tyranny and racism while - during two world wars at least - the Irish leadership/government couldn’t care less (copyright Bono; I’m paraphrasing of course - did you like that?). (Parenthetically, I seem to recall learning about how certain Irish leaders welcomed Nazi representatives to Dublin and offered some assistance to defeat the British and subsequently let Nazi agents operate from Irish soil, which must have heartened good old Joe Kennedy……but I digress.) It is not a lack of national pride per se that precludes British flag-waving at leisure (apart from our small white-supremacist element), more that the British find flag-waving such an unusual and non-British thing to do - again, unless the occasion demands it. They are probably alone in that in the entire world, and it demonstrates a complete comfort with who and what they are: no complexes or national neuroses here. No need for jingoism or macho assertion. Indeed, the almost complete lack of this attitude is the subject of an ongoing public debate in relation to increasing Scottish and Welsh nationalism and a growing interest in national symbols in parts of their communities. If you knew anything at all about Britain you would know this of the place today. But clearly you do not: try watching the BBC.
Whenever I meet someone from non-British shores resident in the UK I always ask them what they think of the place – out of pure personal interest. I get one answer above all: tolerance. MouthChick makes the place sound like it is dangerous to have views which do not accord with the locals’. “The best thing to do is not to talk about politics or those negative feelings elsewhere!!!”. So, MouthChick, you are either lying or you have never stepped foot in the place. Oh, and by the way, you said "negative" views. Freudian slip?
allen-butler, do not criticise my spelling of a place name when your only argument (sic) is one of choice of recognised usage and when you seem incapable of spelling even basic English words. Makes you look like an ignorant, unreconstructed tw*t. Especially when you write in your attack “…peculular ( spelling ) decision….” (sic).
That’s “peculiar”, allen: bad spelling decision there. Learn how to spell you idiot.
By the way, nobody in Britain will give a damn about the political viewpoints of your friend. If you ever come here you might find that out yourself. Even while IRA bombs went off in London, Manchester et al you never heard of British people attacking, avoiding or ostracising Irish people - even the nationalist/republican Irish. But you lot think of me as a "traitor" because I choose to call myself British and I do not wish to be associated with the incurable Irish disease: i.e. victim-hood over centuries-old events yet a refusal to accept acts in your cause today.
So who are the bigots here, the "Brits" or the "Micks"?
1. I do not live in Ireland. Even the island. I was born there though. The island that is. Not Ireland. Northern Ireland. Left for London and no nationalism. 2. My mother is British, not from the Republic (can't you read, woman?). British blood runs through my veins. 3. My paternal grandparents were born in Ireland under British rule and were pro-Britain and anti-independence. They fought for Britain. 4. My father is also pro-British, served in the British Army and chooses to live in the UK. 5. So what do you tell me I am again, MouthChick? 6. Only racists and sneering nationalists dictate someone else's nationality and ethnicity to them, based on age-old prejudices and assumed information, and attack the other person when they point out who and what they really are and consider themselves to be. You demonstrate exactly what I left behind and do not want to be associated with.
JKINSELLA, I can see that the last two months have been spent working out your own "Peculiar" argument. Thank you so much for pointing out my spelling error, as I do at times type too quickly, and don't spell check all of my work.
You are right in your assesment of my post by calling it an attack, but I ask you " What did you really expect as response to your inflamatory statements? "
I daresay this statement of yours casts you not in the most flattering light either. Might I say that if my spelling makes me look this way, then your entire argument, and attitude, makes you look much worse.
Lastly, and really this is the last for I've not the patience to deal with the likes of you, I never once called you a traitor. If you read back a bit you will see that. If you had taken a calmer position, and had not used inflamatory and vile statements, I might have been more inclined to "discuss" your views. ( note I use the word discuss not argue). As you did not do so, and from your most recent posts I can see you are not inclined to do in the future, I have but no choice but to call it as I see it.
You are but an angry Troll nothing more.
You know, there are many decaffinated brands out there that taste just like the real thing ;)
No, I work for a living. For the next two months I will be working where there is no internet, nor clean running water, nor electricity. I work for MSF (Google it).
>> I dislike the centuries backward-looking Irish Republican mentality<<
The history of those times and the thoughts and opinions of those who lived in those situations at that time are, I do feel, important to learn from, and when I say 'learn from' I mean from the mistakes and the negativity and never-ending road to nowhere that sort of hatred can lead to. But the problem is that soooooo many people keep holding on to the hatred of those times and keep going on about events that happened years and years ago as though they only happened yeaterday. If one was really badly affected by those events at some points in their Lives then I think I can understand the animosity, and as I believe Sinn Fein, the DUP and other included factors from those times show, its possible to smooth that animosity over( even though not completely) and move toward a new era of Peace. But I have no time for people who never experienced any of the difficulties of that era, and yet like to act as though they did and come on to these boards acting like 'proud-republcans' or unionists.
If by "can still be found" you mean "were found anywhere from 40-80 years ago." We have a little thing called the Civil Rights Act, so no, they can't be found in "all manner of establishments."
Dogs, on the other hand, do still have it rough. :(
Yes of course. No racism since the CRA. So I guess you have no murder, rape, robbery etc - you know, since laws were introduced rendering those activities illegal and punishible by the courts.
That being said, do you agree with the statement? I can't imagine anyone who would disagree. The Irish are the only "white" ethnic group that were colonized, that were butchered, and treated like sh*t
Lots of Yugoslavians would disagree...
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I don't know why you say that the Irish have been the only colonized "white" people. Without even having to quit Europe:
- Poland was not independent until very recently. - The Balkans were under the Otoman tirany for centuries. - Many Ukrainians, Lithuainians, etc -even Finnish- would tell you that they were oppressed by the Russians, including famine practices, as in 1922. - Most of the North of Italy passed a long time under Austrian rule - Norway separated from Sweden in 1905, and its History was long tied with Denmark's
Of course these are only a few quick, easy examples. If you look back to History, almost any country has passed through ages of dominion and subjuction. It's not so hard to imagine what would have happened if Germany had won WWII, or if the Soviet Union had succeeded in expanding his rule over Europe and the rest of the world.
In short, borders in Europe have rarely been stable for very long, and even more rarely have they been modified peacefully
Unfortunately not the only ones. Every nationalist, no matter if basque,corse, catalan or "padanian", feels as a poor victim. Even when they claim to be new aryan race, as it is the case with the basques
tut tut, jkinsella. you pointed out some ludicrous example of irish hypocricy earlier in this thread in a lame attempt to link Ireland with the US and claim that we worship them. Then you dismiss someones argument because it contained a statement that you considered an attack on your character. You then proceed to call the last poster a "complete and utter imbecile". Hypocricy anyone?
That minor point aside, i think its time for a reality check here on the point in hand. Are the irish "the blacks of europe"? Well i have always thought our situation is somewhat comparable to the plight suffered by black people. Certainly we have been treated with similar disdain in our history both in our own land (the ISLAND of IRELAND) and abroad. Where we have experienced hostility and lack of human rights would have been primarily England (up until relatively recently) and the USA (mostly as a result of the English forcing/causing a mass exodus of Irish people from Ireland to the USA around famine times). Gwydno makes a good point though about what right the irish have to claim this dubious honour? And it got me thinking. He claimed that all countries have had periods of prosperity and subjugation. While we are prospering now, the only thing i can say to gwydno is that Ireland has a history of constant invasion and subjugation. From the Celts to the Vikings to the Normans and then, by far the worst, the English. Why the worst? They brought nothing to Ireland but violence, murder, rape and famine. Thats why. Our previous conquerors, to use a popular phrase became "more Irish than the Irish themselves". You guys refused to even breed with us! (which kinda sounds simlilar to feelings about mixed race which the black people are still subjected to)
The English (or British, but i dont wanna include the proud Scots or Welsh), these same people, those whom you live with and claim to be (though your heritage makes you something of a mongrel) came to our country and, ill put this quickly, took our lands, our language and our crops. Those that you didnt put in the front line of your army (thats right, the one your father served in) to fight and die on your conquests around the world, you left to die on the side of the roads during the famine. Thats right, while the English and Scottish lords transported cartloads of fresh food to various destinations, the Irish lay dying because the only crop, the potato, that we could grow on the *beep* land that you rented back to us at exorbitant prices, failed. The lucky ones escaped to the USA a country founded by English, who turned out initially to be just as hostile.
I have no beef with the English, personally. I have English friends and lived and worked in London myself. The majority of English people are great fun and very welcoming. What i do object to is English people failing to acknowledge their role in history and apologise for their failings in it. They brought some great things to the world they conquered however these achivements are far outweighed by the means they used to keep their victims in line.
You complain that we are a nation who should get over these atrocities. And to an extent you are right and to a far greater extent we have. We are prospering, having entered probably our first golden era since the early days of christianity produced such masterpieces as the Book of Kells. Only now it is an economic and not artistic era. But getting over these things does take time and we are still a relatively young country as far as independence goes so we reserve the right to get over it until we feel like it.
Nothing beats watching England getting knocked out of yet ANOTHER World Cup (how many years of hurt is it now? lol). And this is the way most of us feel. We dont hate the english, we just like seeing you lot have your mouths shut up every once in a while.
Sorry, by the time I got to the start of the second paragraph I got bored. No doubt a usually high level of incoherence, historical revisionism and selectivity, and a hearty portrayal of a unique state of victimhood and triumph over everyone against you ensued. It's never anything else.
I suggest you study European then global history. And then say sorry on behalf of your ilke for the IRA (you don't have to responsible for something to apologise: I don't know any Englishman alive today who was involved in the potato famine, Easter Rising et al but they are still held accountable and expected to apologise by people who refuse to apologise for Enniskillen, Warrington etc).
What happened to Irishmen one, two and three hundred years ago has happened to other white (and black) people in the last 20 YEARS: people who are still alive and living with it today. I don't hear constant pathetic whingeing from them, only ways to move on. That is what is wrong with the Irish.
As I type this I do see "I have no beef with the English personally..." then follows the "but". Reminds me of the talk of the classic racist - you know the sort of thing "It's not that I dislike the blacks generally, but..." or "I've got nothing against Jews per se, but...". Nasty. Never trust anyone who hasn't got the guts to say it "real", instead (like Mouthchick) tries to come across as all respectful and friendly while attacking in order to try and disguise the bigotry. Either come out and say it truthfully and honestly without the attempt at caveating, or go back in your hole.
by the time i read your second post i was bored, so im glad that i could have returned the favour somewhat.
But you really dont seem to get it do you? The English invade Ireland 700 years ago. They left in 1922. During that time we experienced countless acts of murder, rape, robbery and so on. That is not revisionism. That is documented fact. That it happened years ago does not mean that it didnt happen. Nor does it make it any less "worthy". As for a "hearty portrayal of victimhood", if you had read my post without "selectivity" you would have noticed the fact that i actually celebrated the current state of affairs there. Doesnt sound like constant pathetic whinging to me...
With regards to the IRA, you are the one that persists in bringing this up. But seeing as though you want to discuss them - yes, of course, the IRA have committed horrendous acts against innocent civilians. They are an illegal terrorist organisation. The majority of people from the Republic are of the same opinion. I am no IRA sympathiser so i do not feel obliged to apologise for them. I suggest that you approach them or their members for that. I do however sympathise with the victims of the IRA bombing campaign as i do sympathise with the countless generations of Irishmen who suffered at the hands of the english.
From the IRA point of view, however, and this is not defending them, the English are an occupational force. In their opinion the English are occupying their land. They used to feel that the only way to change that was to resort to violence and bloodshed. This campaign lasted all of 30 odd years. Compared to the 700 years of violence and bloodshed that the Irish were subject to, in reality, the English have got away pretty lightly. But that campaign is now over, the IRA are disarming and peace, thankfully, is seen as the way forward.
You wrote "I do see "I have no beef with the English personally..." then follows the "but". Reminds me of the talk of the classic racist - you know the sort of thing "It's not that I dislike the blacks generally, but..." or "I've got nothing against Jews per se, but...". Nasty."
that is a libellous remark and i ask that you withdraw it straight away, without reserve. That, in my opinion, is the selectivity and revisionism you refer to in your first paragraph. There was no "but" afterwards. In fact i went on to state that i find the english to be fun and welcoming. I lived and worked with them. English people are decent people like the majority of Irish people. That said, i feel that the English Government has failed to adequately account for or apologise for what they did to Ireland. Any reasonable reading of my post would have extricated that meaning. Im not asking you to apologise for the actions of past English governments (in the way that you have asked me to apologise for the actions of the IRA). I feel that any decent government would have done this by now so i dont expect it to happen anytime soon.
In the meantime, ill take small comfort in the fact that it will be another 40 years before the english win a World Cup. :D
of course youre correct in certain respects. Im sure the medieval times were a pretty brutal place to live. And yes, even more so, im sure a "brit-free" (sorry bout the termilology!) Ireland would have been just as brutal. There is only one small distinction, however i feel its a relevant one. I suppose to use an analogy, you might think its okay to slap your own child but you wouldnt be too happy if your neighbour decided to slap your child for no other reason than it could!!
Prior to the arrival of the English on our shores we had what was known as brehon law which ive studied to some degree (though im a tad rusty at this stage). The Norman invaders tried to get rid of the law as they considered the focus on monetary compensation for ills suffered as not harsh enough! (Brehon law granted numerous rights to women by the way and divorce was legal!) Yes the idea of kinship prevailed. You swore allegiance to your Lord and provided troops for battle and so on. It survived, remarkably, up until the 1600s and the introduction of the English Magna Carta. Im not saying it was perfect but we were managing to live in a seemingly fair and just environment with very little crimes meriting death as the punishment...
you wrote: "Anyway, your 700 years figure would presumably include the 1800s. I'm sorry but I don't really think that a Englishman or anyone for that matter could commit murder or rape in Ireland and not be up in front of the beak for it."
I think its foolish to suggest that these crimes did not occur. Rape is one of the main methods of subjugation during times of occupation. Such crimes are fairly well documented during the occupation. Of course not eveyone was doing it but you know it only takes a few to do it and one blind eye to let them away with it... the Tans, yes army i know, but they were bad.
Yeah, the English get the worst of it. There were *beep* scots and *beep* welsh too but the English were the real baddies! lol...
I don't know anybody today who was involved in the IRA so if you want me to apologise for something i dont, never did and never will condone then i would ask you to do it first since your country started it.
Your saying that people who suffer such injustice should forget about it and move on? Now i agree violence is in now way the answer but if people dont tell (and when i say tell i mean using their voice and nothing else) the rest of the world what has been done to them, how will the world ever change?
In the end you seem to just want the world to forget what happened so you dont have to deal with it. I know what the minority of people in my country have done because they thought it was just and i in no way defend it or say people should forget it because then nobody will ever learn.
Nobody is asking every English person to apologise, it would just be nice for your country to admit that what was done to Ireland was wrong and pain like that tends to live on even in those who dont take it to the extremes. In the same way that those affected in the retaliation were hurt and that will live on and that should be apologised for too, but at least our goverment never sanctioned it.
But to be honest i doubt you'll care because it seems your happy to ignore the past in favour of ignorance, repetition and just plain being happy not having to think about it
"You tried your best and failed miserably, the lesson is never try"
>What i do object to is English people failing to acknowledge their role in history and apologise for their failings in it. They brought some great things to the world they conquered however these achivements are far outweighed by the means they used to keep their victims in line<
Why should the English people of Today apologise for things that happened Hundreds of Years ago, things they had nothing to do with simply for the fact that the weren't even BORN then. I would agree that the British should acknowledge the faults of the History of their Country, thats fine, but you're going on as though it happened only a short while ago, and as though the English People of Today were totally involved. The English People of Today had no role whatsoever to do with the History between our Countries for the exact reasons I mentioned above. That they should acknowledge what happened, and that their Ancestors had many faults and did do some very nasty things is right, but for *beep* sake, stop trying to make the people of today apologise for it.
For more recent events like Bloody Sunday, its more understandable, but for events from Centuries ago?.... I can't believe some people still seem intent on holding on to anger over this. Its an important part of History, no question about that, but it should be used by both Countries together as a lesson, both to show how far we have come as Human Beings in the new 21st Century, to learn not to repeat mistakes of the past, and NOT to hold onto anger. Lets MOVE on people, join the rest of the developed World.
I am using the word "colored" only as a quip against the word "white". I am doing this for two basic reasons: 1. the Irish call themselves "the blacks of Europe", and 2. they are the only "white" people treated like the rest of the world (colonized).
That being said, do you agree with the statement? I can't imagine anyone who would disagree. The Irish are the only "white" ethnic group that were colonized, that were butchered, and treated like sh*t. The British created policies so that way situations like the Famine could occur. The British often practiced colonial practices on Ireland before "outsourcing" it to the rest of the World.
I don't agree with this statement. Just look at the sami-population in Scandinavia. Was treated more than roughly. ********** Hugs...
What utter rubbish, modern Ireland is an extremely wealthy country with one of the highest GDP Rates in the World and it also has one of the highest rates of millionaires per capita in Europe.
Many English people are of Irish extraction, as are Scottish and Welsh.
Americans seem to think Ireland is some great distance away from the British mainland, it's not, it's a short plane ride, and many British people visit Ireland. The North Channel strait, of the Irish Sea is only 13 miles (21 km) across at its narrowest point between mainland Great Britain and Ireland.
In 2001, there were 674,786 people in England (1.4 per cent of the population) who had been born in Ireland. This is the greatest concentration of Irish-born - as distinct from persons of Irish ancestry - abroad anywhere in the world, and equivalent to 12.1% of the population of the island of Ireland (5.6 million) in 2001.
In 2001, around 55,000 people in Scotland (1.1 per cent of the Scottish population) had been born in Ireland, while people of Irish (either Protestant or Catholic) heritage make up 20% of the Scottish population. Scotland has a greater number of persons born in Northern Ireland (0.66 per cent) than in the Republic of Ireland (0.43%).
Starting in the 4th century, Irish raiders settled Wales extensively, their impact being so great that many Gaelic words were introduced into the Welsh language. In 2001 there were 20,569 people in Wales (0.7% of the population) who had been born in Ireland. St Patrick (Patron Saint of Ireland) is believed to have been Welsh, and became a missionary converting the people of Ireland to the christian faith.
An even greater percentage of English, Irish and Welsh have Irish Ancestory, but we don't tend to go on about it like the tenth generation American 'plastic paddys' who come out every St Patricks day for the craic.
Another preconception Americans have is that most Irish people support the paramilitaries, this is not true at all, many hate them and are horrified by the violence. Sadly both the Loyalist and Republican the paramilitaries have now become increasingly involved in organised crime.
It's also laughable that Hollywood potray the English as toffs with upper class accents. Whilst the vast majority of English people are working class and have string regional accents, often just as distinct as the Irish accents.
Oh give me a break. Comparing the white Irish to black Americans is ridiculous, especially in light of the fact that Irish are known to be INCREDIBLY RACIST towards black people. During the Civil War, the Archbishop of New York, Irishman John Hughes, was very pro-slavery. And don't forget the horrible Draft Riots, in which mobs of Irish scum TORTURED, CASTRATED and LYNCHED black men, and also killed women and children. A "colored orphanage" was burnt and were it not for the kindness of passersby, scores of children would have been killed. After the war, "Tammany Hall," the name for the New York political organization controlled by largely Irish politicians, was known for their animus toward black people. Flash forward to the seventies, and there's the race riots in "Southie" (South Boston) in the 1970's over busing that made headlines all over the world. The list goes on and on.
I'm a person of color and I wouldn't visit Ireland if you paid me, because from what I understand dark-skinned immigrants to Ireland (especially Northern Ireland) face a very hard time, too. Now why am I not surprised?
The reason the English conquered the Irish during the medieval period was because the Irish were raiding England's western coast and butchering English subjects. And there were famines in Ireland long before the British.
^lol, did you read that on the back of a John Bull cereal box?
It took Britain centuries to fully conquer Ireland. The Gaels were long past raiding English coasts when Cromwell came over to reconquer the lands form Irish Confederates and killed nearly have the civilian population.