"Bloody Movie" is such a vague term, I am surprised people are trying to use mathematics to solve this mystery.
When you think about it, every living entity that has blood in them, is technically 'bloody', because there's a lot of blood in everyone. The blood is not shown, but they're still 'bloody' in that sense.
You could also argue that the film - I mean, the actual, physical FILM itself might have been 'bloodied', and thus become 'bloody', so in that way, the movie could be 'bloodiest ever' (however, it's not really plausible, because surely we'd see it in the movie, if that was the case).
So does 'bloody' mean 'onscreen deaths', 'onscreen kills', etc.? A planet exploding can still be considered onscreen kill, because the murdered people are still on the screen, they're just shown from a vantage point so FAR AWAY that you can't really make it out. But the 'blood' is there..
I guess the movie is going by 'body count', so basically anything goes.