I love the little bits and pieces that make me laugh my ass off when ever I see this movie. Like after Richard Crenna's character is captured and he is restrained by a Chinese finger trap. Once the finger trap is cut and his fingers are free to sign the document does he reach for his wrists to ease his pain as though he was handcuffed and they were starting to cut into him. Other little bits like the sound of an air compressed wrench heard in the background to attach the wagon wheel to the Merc. Did anyone else notice any other little bits like the ones I described that made them laugh?
Did you catch the part when they first find Topper in the den fighting that guy. The asian cheerleaders had on L.A. Lakers outfits but it was written Rakers instead.
Cracked me up.
Even the not so little things like "loved you in Wall Street".
They don't make parodies like they used to and thats really sad.
Oh yeah, there are so many! Some of my favorites: The bit where Topper is scaling a wall in the prisoner camp and when he hops down you see the wall is only about 3 feet tall. The fake Arabic that is spoken on the patrol boat is gibberish or funny English (The main terrorist literally says: "Topeka's in Kansas," which was translated to "Nice shot, Chuck!" in the subtitles). The fact that Topper and Ramada were going to take a TRAIN to Hawaii. In the scene you mentioned with the Chinese finger trap, the Iraqi interrogator has an assistant named Phil who wears a Holiday Inn turban and uses twist ties to subdue the Colonel. But the scene that makes me laugh the hardest is when Topper is trying to get the keys to prisoner cage with a broom stick. Nothing that Topper does wakes up the guard, but when that tiny mouse quietly sneezes...
The gags in the dialogue crack me up too. Some of my favorite lines:
(Harbinger walks up to Topper and Michelle): "Which one of you is Michelle Huddleston?"
"These men have taken a supreme vow of celibacy like their fathers and their fathers before them."
When the president is scuba diving: "Two things kept running through my mind: Would we get to the men in time and (voice gets really high) why did I bring helium instead of air?"
Liked Richard Crenna's character when he's getting the keys to the cell. He half goes out through the bars, gets the keys and goes back in to unlock the cell.
--- Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.
I love the part where Topper cuts a hole in the middle of the fence only for the fence to fall and him kneeling there with the cut out in his hand.Everytime i see that i cry tears of laughter
I just saw it again and I only just noticed that when Harbenger is caught hiding by Topper in fear, he is hiding behind crates that are labeled 'Yellow Bellies' "Spineless Jellyfish' and 'Chicken Excrement' and 'Gutless...' Ha ha, this movie never fails.
I didn't see anyone mention the end of the end credits.
There's a line that someone suddenly says:
"Hot Shots: Part Deux was filmed in Hollywood in front of a live studio audience."
Then someone says 'His boat has been demolished', or 'His boat is being demolished' - not sure, which. I am sure an american ear would hear what is said.
Only.. they say it in reverse. I have no idea why they did that - that reverse speech is more weird than funny, but the 'in front of live studio audience' line made me laugh.