MovieChat Forums > Hard Target (1993) Discussion > HARD TARGET - Director's cut or workprin...

HARD TARGET - Director's cut or workprint?

I just got 116 minutes long workprint version of HARD TARGET. It has lousy picture and sound quality,but it's watchable.

Other then really lousy "Kiss me-i have to go-i don't have to go-let's fk" scene between Chance and Nat and timecode,it's O.K and definatly better then US R rated version and so called uncut Europe versions.

Based on Alternate Versions board here on IMDb,this is director's cut of the movie. Im fine with that if it's true,but i heard that there is even longer workprint that runs 129 minutes long available.

If anyone here has seen both director's cut and workprint version,could you tell me are there some differences that might be worth of search for WP?





You're not missing much. It's just longer takes of most shots, often to the point where you think "they need to trim that". There are no new scenes compared to the 116 minute version. Personally, I preferred the European version. Plenty of bloody action, no awkward love scene and no cringeworthy singing when Chance has a rendezvous with his Uncle. The US version is like a trailer for the film.

Be horny.


Well, I saw the 2 hour plus version on YouTube and the only difference I can tell you is it's A LOT MORE VIOLENT, A LOT BLOODIER, A LOT MORE GRUESOME, and has LOTS more action too
