MovieChat Forums > Hard Target (1993) Discussion > I guess this is never going to get a pro...

I guess this is never going to get a proper Director's Cut release.

So sad. I really want the best version, and I want it on blu-ray.


As of now, I think we'd be lucky to get the international cut on blu-ray (the one on the UK DVD with the extended opening and finale), with the workprint as a standard definition extra.

Then again, they could probably obtain the film reels of the workprint to create a higher quality workprint version, albeit it would be a print rather than negatives.


Yeah I'm right with you! I've had a bootleg workprint on (gasp!)VHS for 15 years or so. Even with the temp music and unfinished effects it's soooo much better than the heavily cut theatrical version. I can't even remember the last time I saw the original theatrical version. Maybe during the original theatrical run?
Well next year is Hard Target's 20th(!) anniversay. Maybe, just maybe, Universal will work with Woo and put together a proper director's cut on dvd/blu ray. I mean, I know Hard Target is no Citizen Kane, but there has to be some demand for the director's cut on dvd, right???


It would be a dream come true if it did. Hell, even the UK version on blu ray would be nice or maybe in a double pack with Sudden Death. I'm just hoping that Expendables 2 raises Van Damme's popularity and Universal will get the idea to go back and give the fans the TRUE Hard Target. Kind of like when companies double dip old movies when a remake is coming out.


The other issue I thought about in regards to putting out an official workprint would be the music rights. The temp music track grabs any music it could find, ranging from scores from Lethal Weapon 3 to Aliens to First Blood to plenty of others. Not to mention it has a couple of Eric Clapton tracks. So if anything, they'd probably have to remove the temp score and just mix in the Graeme Revell score.

And yeah, I agree, at least putting the UK cut on blu would be a start.


That sucks about the workprint. The soundtrack is one of the best parts of the movie and makes the action scenes, all the more grand.


Id be happy with just a blu ray disc of the theatrical cut!!!! But universal has no intention of releasing it sadly



If you wanna see the 2 hour plus NC-17 version, go to YouTube, irma hamblin has it on his/her channel, it's the REAL thing
