MovieChat Forums > Hard Target (1993) Discussion > The Full 122 minute NC-17 version is on ...

The Full 122 minute NC-17 version is on YouTube

I found the original (more violent and action packed) NC-17 cut of the movie on YouTube, I'm not kidding, it's the REAL thing, I watched it all last night and it was BAD *beep* ASS lol, I'm so glad that someone got a hold of it and let us youtubers see it in all it's raw, uncut, blood and gore soaked, nonstop action glory


Thank you for the hyperlink.

It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing .


My pleasure, glad I could help, and it would've been really cool if John woo pulled a Brian De Palma and released this cut to theaters with the R behind the studio's back


Hi there I was not able to find the Youtuber channel Irma hamblin, though I found a version of 2 hours and 7 minutes posted by Douglass Glass, can you confirm if that is the extended version you are talking about. Cheers!


It sure is mrblue, that's the extended NC-17 version I mentioned


It has ALL the graphic footage that was taken out
