MovieChat Forums > The Fugitive (1993) Discussion > No Bald Headed Ford? Cannot take this se...

No Bald Headed Ford? Cannot take this seriously...

This will be fun I thought - I'll get to see Harrison Ford on the run in a fitting disguise, i.e. shaved head and a huge false moustache. That's going to be hilarious I thought.

But wtf! no, he simply walks around his home town with his picture on the front page of all the newspapers looking exactly HARRISON FORD, one of the most recognisable faces on the planet in any case, and absolutely no one (until that dude on the train) spots him. I call bullshit on that.

He simply should have shaved his hair off at minimum to give this man on the run lark some credibility...


He Shaved his beard, that's close since He was playing a guy with a beard.
What they should of done was he starts bald, using a bald cap and with a beard.
He shaves his beard and makes hair with it, so he can take off the bald cap.


Good call. We could have seen him gluing a stripe down the centre of his head and patting down lower beard shavings into place to form a Mohican. He could have then left his natural mouser hair in place to give us a moutachioed Mohican Ford.

That would have given this film the credibility it so sorely lacked.


everyone thought that it was going to fail but it was like the biggest movie when it came out


Except being bald isn't cool. Also he did shave off his beard which was able to fool some people.
