First, I think its pretty obvious that Lentz was murdered. Lentz was not in a car when the accident happened, he was walking, near Lake Michigan. In the movie when Cosmo is reading the report, "an unidentified car swung around a curve and slammed his body into the barrier". Either that was a freak accident, or the driver was aiming for him. And why is the car still "unidentified"?? This supposedly happened almost a year ago. Why was there no info about the car or the diver?? Because the car mustve fled the scene before too many people had a good look at it. So either...
(a) it was a freak accident and the driver got scared when he realized he killed somebody, and fled the scene
(b) the killer accomplished his task and had to flee before there were witnesses.
I'm willing to bet on (b).
Secondly, I think Lentz was in on the coverup. Lentz was switching the tissue samples as directed by his boss, Nichols. He also probably knew about the plan to kill Kimble the night of the fundraiser event. As others have noted, when he was introduced to Kimble at the fundraiser, he did hesitate to shake Kimbles hand, and he gave him that look like he recognized him or heard of him before. I think Lentz knew about the plan, and looked at Kimble like "yea you're the guy that they're supposed to kill later tonight, heh heh". Why was Lentz killed then? Simple, I think there is no honor amongst theives. I think Nichols killed Lentz (or ordered a hit) to tie off loose ends.