On another note, I don't think the guy was in a coma. If he was, they wouldn't bother serving food to him, and the nurse would be alarmed when she noticed that his food had been eaten. He's probably just a heavy sleeper.
_______ The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.
Whether he was in a coma or not, taking his food won't hurt the old patient at all. If the patient does wake up soon after, he may be hungry and ask for food. Nurse will say I already brought you food. Old man will be confused as to whether he did eat it or not. Either way, he'll say he's still hungry. Nurse will bring more food. Problem solved.
I don't know for sure, obviously, but in my opinion it would seem to me that it's a hospital regulation. Like, they'd have to be able to say they "offered" food to the patient, coma or not, just to back up any legal issues. Just a thought.
I can't think of a single reason serving a tray of food to a coma patient would be protocol. People are denied food all the time in hospital depending on their condition. In any case the old guy doesn't appear to be connected to any life support paraphernalia which he definitely would be were he in a coma.
Hey! You're not old enough to drink! Now go and die for your country!!!
Not when your trying to stay Alive so you can solve a Crime the FBI, Feds, Detectives should have been able to do in the best possible way.
I would have most likely eaten the food as well.Otherwise I die before before trying to solve my own Wifes Murder case, that I would be accused of commiting.
Not a difficult choice, Not Rude, not Unprofessional.